11 March 2019


by a gutsy Noy Assraf At ArutzSheva

The Anti-Semitic tweet that was sent to an Israeli player in Germany over the weekend was an addition to dozens of anti-Semitic incidents that took place worldwide during the last few weeks. For instance, swastikas that were sprayed in a New York Jewish school, a French philosopher who was attacked in France, Nazis who demonstrated in Budapest - and these are only a small percentage of all the incidents.

Israeli Apartheid Week will take place next week and will include an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness about "Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people and build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement". It is going to take place in over 200 cities across the world.

That means it's not only "anti-Semitism in the US" or in France, as reported, but It's anti-Semitism all over the world. It is the new kind of anti-Semitism which apparently is not going to disappear and is growing from day to day.

One of the roles of the media is to mediate between the individual and leadership as well as to expose the public's problems with the government, and vice versa - that is, to expose the public to the government's problems. Failing to do so give no incentive to the Israeli government to act on this issue with foreign countries.

According to the latest Ministry of Diaspora report, there are record levels of anti-Semitism on the street and in the social media, with anti-Israelism constituting 70% of the incitement. The poll also notes that 85% of European Jews believe anti-Semitism is a problem in their countries, 89% believe anti-Semitism has increased in their countries over the past five years, and 38% have considered or are considering immigrating due to rising anti-Semitism and declining personal security. The poll also showed that 80% of the incidents were not reported.

Specific anti-Semitic incident coverage harms the fight against the phenomenon and reduces the scale of the disaster. The new anti-Semitism should be covered as a trend that is increasing throughout the world. This may bring about the beginning of a change in perception, which would then be followed by suitable action by world leaders.

The anti-Semitism that became part of Diaspora Jewry's daily life is not only a problem of the Diaspora, it is a problem that threatens the entire Jewish people. Diaspora Jewry is a strategic asset and therefore the Israeli media must mobilize to fight global anti-Semitism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone Knows that there is ONE G'D, being it getiles or Jews.
Everyone knows that there is ERETZ ISRAEL where we supose to serve Hashem.
Its a miracle! Am YISRAEL, and also the medinat Israel now.
Anyone who deny this or act against, goes against HASHEM.
All the antisemitism of the world is just HASHEM telling us to live the TORAH B'ERETZ YISRAEL.
How many Israelis waste their seed by being with a Goya that have no intention to serve HAshem???Are their children JEWISH or are they going to kill our people?
Their children are not Jewish and are a torn in the eyes of the Gentiles!
How many Jews live around doying whatever they want, not serving Hashem?
They are the torn in the eye of the gentiles.
Check if the JEW in question is JEWISH=JEWISH MOTHER, or Halachic CONVERSION and send him/her/them back to ERETZ YISRAEL in a friendly, helpfull way!
If not, their punishment will be yours.
Actually the sentence above is THE REAL REASON OF ANTISEMITISM!
They know that a JEW that DO not what he have to DO, brings them punishment and SUFFERING!
Do not spend any money in DIASPORA, but in bringing our people HOME!
The ONLY LOGICAL solution to save the world is to save AM YISRAEL.
We will be the LIGHT, B'ERETZ YISRAEL, AM ECHAD! And everyone will KNOW HASHEM!

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