29 March 2019

Parshas Shemini – Rain and Redemption

By Roy S. Neuberger

Next Shabbos the Month of Spring arrives. With the advent of Nissan, hope blooms in our hearts and flowers bloom in the fields and on the trees. During this season we have to remember that Zman Chairusainu can come only after we have been released from slavery. There is no redemption unless there has been danger. That is why redemption is so powerful.

This year is no exception. The world situation seems to be plummeting daily, as Klal Yisroel becomes increasingly isolated. Right now, it seems like a world with no good news.

And yet …. 

I am writing from Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh, the place the entire world covets. Recently, in Yated Ne’eman, I saw an article about Turkish attempts to establish a presence in Israel. They are focusing on the Temple Mount and, interestingly, Kever Shmuel Hanovi

Kever Shmuel Hanovi, which is not as popular a Jewish destination as it should be, is one of my beloved spots. One can seek this beacon of hope visually from all over Yerushalayim. Shmuel Hanovi anointed Dovid Hamelech and we are expecting, b’ezras Hashem soon, his descendant to anoint Moshiach ben Dovid. The Moslems are evidently aware of the importance of Shmuel Hanovi. Just as they have been trying for centuries to “occupy” the Temple Mount, clearly they are trying to do the same for Kever Shmuel Hanovi

Amidst all this, there is an encouraging siman for Am Yisroel, and that concerns the bracha of geshem, rain in the Holy Land. In America,lehavdil, rain is considered a “downer.” The weather forecaster is always apologetic when he must forecast rain, because rain ruins the plans of the nation which is always running after activities “under the sun” (which is, for Koheles, the phrase evoking mortality in this world).

But for us, geshem is a miracle of life. “Af-bri is designated as the name of the angel of rain, to thicken and to form clouds to empty them and to cause rain …. May it not be withheld!  … In the merit of the faithful Patriarchs, protect the ones who pray for rain.” (Sukkos tefilla)

This year, Af-bri has poured down rain upon the Holy Land, in contrast to recent winters. The Kinneret, although still below ideal levels, has risen about one and one-quarter meters. We have merited to see the blessed rainfall in recent days.

Every day we are reminded, “if you continually hearken to My commandments … then I will provide rain for your land in its proper time….”Conversely, if we abandon Hashem, chas v’Shalom, one sign of His anger is that “He will restrain the heaven so there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce.” (Shema)

We have to look beyond the headlines. Hashem, “the Reviver of the dead, [Who] makes the wind blow and the rain descend,” is watching over us. Soon we will see the full majesty of His blessing with the “flowering of [His] servant, Dovid,” soon in our days! 

Rain Soaked Street in Yerushalayim

Flowers in the Negev


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    Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at

    © Copyright 2019 by Roy S. Neuberger


    Unknown said...

    Actually the Kinneret has risen just over two-and-a-half meters (just mere centimeters from the damaging black line) since the start of the rainy season in October. When all is said and done after this weekend's expected rainstorm the Kinneret may rise to three meters since the start of the rainy season. That will take us to roughly one-and-a-half meters above the lower red line.

    Anonymous said...

    AMEN! Ken Yehi Ratzon!

    Miriam said...

    The angel Af-Bri also has control over Israel? I thought Hashem appointed angels to give rain all over the world outside of Israel and Hashem alone gives the rain to Israel with no messenger.

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