04 March 2019

Is it Racist to Declare Israel a Jewish State?

A Sound Voice About the Elections from Rabbi Stewart Weiss
JPost March 1, 2019 (emphasis mine)

[. . .] Most of the vitriol has been spewed against Otzma Yehudit, accusing it of racism, and raising the dreaded specter of Kahanism. But has anyone actually heard racist statements from the party?

  • Is it racist to declare Israel a Jewish state and demand that all its citizens pledge allegiance to the flag? 

  • Is it wrong to want to rid Israel of the terrorists and their supporters, who openly threaten our way of life?

And if we are condemning, should we not save a few choice barbs for Meretz, which despicably joined together with the Arabs as the only parties to vote against the “pay for slay” bill, which deducts from the Palestinians the monies they pay to those who kill Jews?

I was particularly appalled by the outrageous comments of Rabbi Benny Lau, who compared Otzma Yehudit, and by extension Bayit Yehudi, to the Nazis. Really? Is anyone actually proposing that we systematically round up every Arab in the country and shoot or gas them, as did the Nazis? Is anyone here in favor of erecting death camps? As the son-in-law of an Auschwitz survivor, I take extreme objection to anyone who demeans the victims of the Shoah by using such foolish – and ignorant – comparisons. [see also: A Lesson for Benny Lau . . .]

I SUGGEST we, rather, use our energies to ask relevant, hard questions to the candidates about the pressing issues of the nation, and demand answers. What does your party stand for, and what are your “redlines?” What are your views on defense? What inspired ideas do you have for the economy and education? How will you promote aliyah and solve our traffic problems? What will you do for the poorer, less-connected elements of society? Please: Cut the fluff and give us the facts.

We have two crucial concerns on the horizon, and I want to know where you, the candidates, stand on them.

One is the soon-to-be-released Trump peace plan.

Then there is the impending crisis of army service vs yeshiva study

[. . . R]ight here, on the ground, is where we live, and we need a clear view of your [the parties’] platforms and positions. The mudslinging and clever slogans make for good television, but they don’t help us get to where we need to go as a nation. It’s time to stand tall and speak the truth – not in blue and white, but in black and white.


Anonymous said...

Does not matter one iota what anyone wants to call Israel. Israel, as a fact, is the Jewish state (country whatever). Its real name is 'Eretz Yisrael', the Land of Israel, given to the Jewish nation as an eternal inheritance from G-D Almighty! That should say it all.
This new meaning of 'racism' is really a code word made up radical leftists to be used against anyone or any entity that goes against their platforms. The Erev Rav within our midst and their useful idiots amongst our people are also radicals who have no understanding of truths and common sense. We should not have any part in their rhetoric. Rabbis who join in with them are the rabbis written about by our Sages who call the Erev Rav rabbis.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Spot on!


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