08 March 2019

Parshas Pekudai – IRRATIONAL!

By Roy S. Neuberger

We have now entered the month of Adar Shaini. We are certainly in the period designated “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim b’Simcha.”Although we are required to increase simcha, I believe that we all feel the optimism inherent in this season, which is assisted by a change in weather. It has been a cold winter where we live, and – Baruch Hashem! – a relatively wet winter in Israel, and now we sense the beautiful season of spring approaching. This is Hashem’s orchestration of a symphony of “techias Hamaisim” which affects us spiritually and physically. 

And yet, the news is incredibly bad. As I write these words, the headline on the front page of this week’s Yated Ne’eman is “Global Hatred.” Last week I mentioned Rabbi Yaakov Landau’s comparison of world events to the letters Haman Harasha sent, ordering his subordinates to assemble against the Jews. I also mentioned the Gemora’s prediction that, before Moshiach, an enemy will arise “whose decrees will be as harsh as [those of] Haman.” (Sanhedrin 97b).

It is, of course, no coincidence that we read this week about the erection of the Mishkan, the place where we are saved by our closeness to Hashem. It all goes together.

At this moment, I want to point out on the total irrationality of the entire situation.

Is it not irrational that the entire world focuses on us? 

What bothered Haman? Why would the immense machinery of a worldwide empire focus on a few people who were minding their own business and had no interest whatsoever in threatening the government? Were the Jews organizing a political rebellion? The question is so ludicrous as not to need an answer. 

Let’s go back to Paro … and forward to Hitler y’mak shemo. Why were they obsessed with us? Are the Jews threatening anyone? We are the smallest nation and the smallest minority in any nation! And look at today: why is the world obsessed with the State of Israel, a tiny country almost lost on the map! Why, around the world, is there growing hatred against the Jews and the State of Israel?

Who is threatened by us? The entire situation makes no sense!

I’ll tell you what else makes no sense. It makes no sense that the Creator of the Universe should single out one Nation in full view of all mankind, to choose that nation and single us out from among all other nations – “asher bachur banu mikol ha-amim” – and openly guide us through history as a Holy Nation to save the entire world!

Who are we to set up a Mishkan where we can meet the Creator of the Universe?

My friends, the same way anti-Semitism makes no rational sense but is absolutely happening, that is the same way Hashem is going to save and redeem us in the eyes of the world! Yes, it is all irrational … and it is all happening! If you doubt the coming of Moshiach then just look how everyone – against all rational sense – hates us!

Mishenichnas Adar … with the advent of the month of Adar we increase simcha for good reason: all the tzouris is proof that our Eternal Redemption is around the corner!

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Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at

© Copyright 2019 by Roy S. Neuberger

1 comment:

Leah said...

Shabbat shalom. Gitten Rosh Chodesh Adar II

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