06 March 2019

Dave Dobbs on Nibiru Update

Nibiru Coming Back Round Quicker than Expected
(and on Brexit)

Watch for the 4 May flyby - awesome.


Miriam said...

He said to expect something around April 4th based on last year being May 4th and every cycle it comes about a month earlier, that's right before Rosh Chodesh Nissan...elections are the 9th...Rav Kanievsky said Moshiach will be here before the elections...I'm not saying anything other than it sounds feasible to me based on other things going on and the incredible timing of the time between Purim and Pesach which is a major spiritual time for things to happen! Be'ezrat Hashem Moshiach should come immediately!

Neshama said...

Miriam, thank you for posting. I have no idea how many readers understand his explanations.

Usually, there is some kind of massive earthly disturbance exacerbated around these passings.
Whether the estimate of Mashiach’s arrival will actually occur is up for scrutiny. According to Rabbi Mizrachi, we are not quite ready (to put it mildly). There is too much evil rampant that needs to be eliminated. The World’s Jews are in a sad state. A great upheaval is expected.

An large outbreak of antisemitism in America (chv”s) could send the nations into a frenzy. After all, every Golus has ended in such a way. If our people don’t get “the message” it might happen again.

Pres Trump (Nd the patriots) are doing a fantastic job, but more needs to happen. He cannot protect each and every Jew in America against localized outbursts.

Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

  Prophetic Messages for Jews With Heretical Beliefs For those who trust in the IDF, Trump, Bibi, America, elections, and anything except Ha...