14 March 2019

Special Current Events & Secrets Of Purim (Very Sharp)

Israeli-American Rabbi Barred from Entering UK

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Israeli-born lecturer living in Monsey, barred from entering the UK for speaking tour.
[the evil ones are so afraid of the TRUTH arutzsheva]

The Rav’s New Sefer is now available online
Special Current Events & Secrets Of Purim JUST IN TIME FOR PURIM

Venezuela  w/o electric, in the dark, all because of the one evil leader (Maduro).
TRIAL of two suspects of burning a vacant church [Torah indicates to clean and purify Eretz Yisrael from idol worship] – amazing climax to the story.
Lefties and ‘Haman' Lapid suggested he will create a WAR AGAINST THE RELIGIOUS!
(could be a leftie and arab government)

Rabbi Mazuz shlit”a (Rabbi Shalom Cohen), a gigant Hacham (also expert in Hebrew) gave a speech of homo…..  What kind of world are we coming to? Meshugagim. After the speech, (anti-G-d) ignorant leftists pressed charges against him to a police station. Democracy and freedom of speech is a farce.

The RAMBAM (Perek 1-3) says it is “cruel” to say “coincidence”; scream to Hashem and everyone should know that because of their bad action this “bad” is coming to them. You sins turn everything to the negative side and that is why the “bad” comes to you; and this is what will help. But if they won’t scream and won’t blow the trumpet . . .  [et al. Please read your copy of the Rambam] . . . and you will receive 7 times the problems . . . . It’s CRUEL to say “COINCIDENCE”!

Rabbi Mizrachi's First Book (Purim, Amalek, A Kings Soul, Black Magic) 2018

Desires and Animal Instincts - A Lecture In Montreal Canada (sharp)

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