10 March 2019


[both the articles below appeared in the February 14, 2019 Features section of the Hamodia. ]

There has been much talk lately about the highly anti–semitic website “Rise Up Ocean County,” which was featured in your publication (“Zachor,” Features, Jan 30 2019). For my family and me it came as no surprise, unlike others who sounded shocked at the thought of such an antisemitic website. My family and I have been aware of the rampant antisemitism in Lakewood for many years now. (I am in no way agreeing with the people behind this website.) Therefore, this letter is long overdue. Its point is to bring awareness to people that we are constantly being watched and judged.

I have lived in Lakewood, New Jersey, for over 20 years, and since I don’t drive I depend on taking taxis, car services and NJ Transit buses to get around. I am horrified and frightened by the outright hatred and antisemitism that I see [and hear].

When riding to a doctor’s appointment on a NJ Transit bus in Lakewood, there were a bunch of non-Jews on the bus. I was the only Jew. As the bus made its way down Route 9, a yeshiva bachur rode his bike against the light in front of the bus. The bus driver, a black woman, said loudly, “If I hadn’t slowed down, he would be on the floor, and his hat would be smashed flat as a pancake!” All the non-Jews laughed and jeered loudly. One man then piped up, “Yeah, and his jacket would be flat too!” which was greeted by more laughter, after which a lively conversation ensured, with all the non-Jews adding their comments on how the Jews take over everything, have money, build houses, cause traffic, etc.

I literally was shaking and felt like a sheep amongst 70 wolves as I looked around. Not one person to my defence, but only smirked at me.

I should’ve taken down the bus number to report the incident, but I was too shaken up to think clearly and got off as soon as I could.

(This bachur who rode his bike against the light most likely has no idea that his riding was the cause of a great chillul Hashem.)

A different time riding the NJ Transit bus, we were waiting to turn left on Route 9 at the light in front of the Lakewood Courtyard. The driver said, “Wow! They need everything of their own – their own nursing home, ambulances…”

Both on the bus and riding in non-Jewish taxis, I have heard, “Oh, so how many houses do you think they’ll stick in here?” Or a non-Jew will be silent but his eyes are full of hate as he looks at all the houses being built and woods being cut down.

There was basically never a time when I rode the bus and Jews were not the topic of conversation.

People, please realise that when you cut off a bus, your actions will most likely be the topic of conversation for the next few minutes.

When I ride non-Jewish taxis I always hear the driver comment over the radio or to non-Jewish passengers in the taxi, “The Jews take over the town. They are building, building, building. This not the Lakewood I grew up in,” and ask, “How can the Jews afford all these houses?”

One non-Jew once pointed out a bank which had been built a few years before and commented, “Who needs another bank?” Then the other smirked and said, “Oh, you know why! They have all the money,” and looked at me.

Jews who don’t use public transportation and drive their own cars, or who frequent Jewish stores, don’t realize how every move they make in driving and behavior is being watched and judged.


Neighbours in New Jersey prefer that frum Jews don’t live in their area? 
Zoning issues discuss souls, eiruvs, and education being taken to US Courts? 
Warnings not to wear kippa in public in France?
Outlawing shechitah and bris milah around the world? 
The Pittsburgh shooting?

“Jews are being made to feel unwelcome in countries like Belgium…” (Hamodia, Jan. 31). “The rise of anti–Semitism … is making Jews around the world feel less secure” (Hamodia, Jan 31, Editorial).

Even your publisher [of the Hamodia] asks: “What do we do with such devastating development[s]? We need to “stop to think for a minute what we learn from this….”

Perhaps its no longer time for public discussions and protests. Perhaps Hashem is talking to us, urging us to build the type of Land that He, and we, want by coming to Israel to live.

Maybe that’s why Hashem gave us a democracy in Eretz Yisrael, where every vote counts.

Shouldn’t we take seriously the question posed by Harav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, zt”l, to Agudah leader Rav Yitzchok Breuer: “Where is the religious aliyah from the Torah communities of the West? Now I understand the words of massif on Yom Tov: ‘Because of our sins we were exiled from our country – by Hashem; ‘and we were distanced from our Land’ – this we have done voluntarily” [Moriah, p 191].

This section was written by Tzvia Ehrlich-Klein, Yerushalayim
[She lives in Jerusalem and writes quite often about life in Israel]


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this was a very good post, and the truth hurts. Why do frumme yidden who know Torah not learn from our history and realize there is hardly a place in the world where the Jews were thrown to that at a certain point, the natives got restless and anti-semitism just grew by the day so the Yidden were either expelled, harrassed and even worse.
If there is enough money to buy homes and renovate homes, etc., why is it spent in the galut? They are living in denial if they feel that this galut will be different, especially now when all the signs show otherwise. May our geulah come in a blink of an eye!

yosef said...

they'll hate you and find a way to judge you badly no matter what you do. the real problem in lakewood is that jews are too visible. thus they ignite the jealousy of the gentiles.

i heard Berel Wein once say that the anti-semitism in a place is proportional to how visible the jews are

Mr. Cohen said...

Kli Yakar commentary on Devarim, chapter 2, verse 3:

“If an Israelite in exile enjoys some small success,
then he must hide it and conceal it completely from
Eysav, because they are more jealous of Israel than
any other nation, because according to their understanding,
everything [that Israelites own] was stolen from them…”

CHRONOLOGY: Rabbi Shlomoh Efraim of Luntchitz
was born in Poland in 1550 and died in Prague in 1619.


Kav HaYashar, chapter 18:

“Because of our many sins, the Gentiles
have their eyes on Jewish wealth.

It is a very good idea to conceal
your wealth from them.”

CHRONOLOGY: Kav HaYashar was
written by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Kaidanover 1705 CE.


Kav HaYashar, chapter 82:

“Imitating the fashions of the Gentiles…

they provoke the jealousy and hatred of
the Gentiles. They look at us and notice
that Jewish women appear better dressed
than the Gentile noble women;
and we are in bitter exile,
where according to justice we should
be wearing black clothes to mourn
the length of our exile and
the destruction of the Temple.”

Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre Aftermath:

Time Magazine vs Truth:

Who are the Palestinians?

How Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:

Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?

How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

Was Daniel an Orthodox Jew?

Neshama said...

Mr Cohen, and other readers, you miss the point if you think that all the Jews need do is hide their success and/or expansionism. Jews belong in the Land promised to them by G-d Al-mighty!

The time has come to “Go Home” to Eretz Yisrael, and make a truly Jewish Country.

Dov Bar-Leib said...

Rav Mendel Kessin Shlit"a is a fantastic End of Days lecturer. But he seems to have one blind spot. He seems to think that America will prosper and be with Israel until Mashiach comes. Because if that were not the case, then America would be judged, and places like Lakewood and Borough Park where he lectures extensively would find themselves caught behind the lines of a formidable enemy, mostly on the Left (AOC, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, etc.). Being in Torah communities behind enemy lines especially in Israel hating blue states or blue cities like New York, Minnesota, New Jersey, Chicago, Illinois, and Detroit, Michigan could prove to be dangerous indeed. So Rav Kessin cannot lecture in places like Lakewood, saying that as Torah Jews we truly do not belong there anymore. For one, he would lose those venues that he has been speaking at extensively. And although he himself is an honest straightforward brilliant scholar, he is affected and influenced by the overwhelming number of ba'alei batim in the kehillot that he lives with. I would suggest that everyone pay heed to almost everything that the esteemed Rav has to say ...... except the part that America will thrive and be supportive of Israel until Kingdom come. Believing that, could be dangerous to one's very life.


  IDF To Begin Sending 14,000 Draft Orders To Bnei Yeshivos This Thursday 🤡🥳🤡🥳🎶😊🥸 😂🥹🤣🤓🤩🥳🤡