16 May 2017


"What business is it of yours?” they say.
Well, we are sorry to ‘dispute’ your rudeness, but the Jewish People and Nation of Israel exists and we are not going to let you distorted Liberals shove us into the Sea!

“The problem is that the Obama administration left holdovers all over the government, so you get rid of one Obama loyalist and the replacement is another Obama loyalist.”


“senior U.S. administration official” the Western Wall is “disputed territory.”
When questioned, the reply was:
“What business is it of yours? It’s not in your territory — it’s part of the West Bank.”
[What an arrogant, obnoxious and ignorant response]

"Convinced that President Donald J. Trump does not personally back this stand, Israeli officials are reportedly furious. Now is the time for Israel’s Government to DISPUTE that premise.

"Less than a week before the most powerful man on the planet is scheduled to arrive in the capital city of Israel, a senior official in the Trump administration has reportedly told the Netanyahu administration that one of the holiest site in the Jewish faith, the Western Wall, does not stand in Israeli territory. The Temple Mount, where the two Jewish Temples once stood, which is held up by the Western Wall, is Judaism’s holiest site."

PM Netanyahu Cannot Join President Trump at the Kotel??
[What “senior official” decided this. The Kotel is in Israel, not in DC or NY]

"Officials from the Prime Minister’s Office asked President Trump’s people whether Mr. Netanyahu could accompany the president on his visit to the Western Wall, but were given a negative response with the explanation that it was a “private visit.” When a request was made for an Israeli photographer to document the visit, an American official reportedly replied brusquely, “What business is it of yours? It’s not in your territory — it’s part of the West Bank.”"

When has a public/political visitor to the Kotel NOT BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED?


They're Trying to Distort Reality

"Former National Security Adviser stresses that there has never been a doubt about Israel's position regarding the U.S. Embassy move. Jacob Nagel, who served as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s National Security Adviser, stressed on Monday evening that Israel had never even hinted to the Americans that it was not interested in having the American Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem." [Are Israelis just waking up to the Liberal onslaught of deleterious false news leeks aimed at destroying Israel?]

Maybe IT IS TIME for the Western Wall Law

"Member of Knesset David Amsalem (Likud) said this morning that he intends to continue promoting his Western Wall bill, especially in light of the recent United States statements on the subject.

"The law seeks to run the Western Wall (Kotel) of the Temple in Jerusalem according to orthodox Judaism. Amsalem told haredi-religious radio station Kol Berama, "The Kotel bill I proposed will be raised at the beginning of the next session of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation. The Kotel is a holy place and therefore the law of the Torah and not civil law will determine [things] there. I hope that there are enough people in the Knesset to whom Judaism is important. I did not advance a law after examining whether it has a majority, rather because I believe in it.”

While the Fake News, Distortions, and Lies are flying all around the world, in Israel its no less bizarre:


"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have called to fast-track the legislation declaring Israel the nation-state of the Jewish People, but United Torah Judaism made sure that won’t happen.”

The Jewish nation-state bill, proposed by MK Avi Dichter (Likud), says that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish People, and establishes the anthem and flag, among other things. Opposition critics say the bill gives Jewish citizens primacy, but Netanyahu and Dichter argued that it does not impinge on individual rights. [It’s about time we declared via law that the State of Israel belongs to the Jews]

Source Articles:



Anonymous said...

It seems we really are in the bizzaro world. Enemies from within and without, as never before. This is what happens when you rely on others (individuals and nations) and accept their money and help. Israel has to show 'real' independence from everyone, except the Almighty! Many Jews these days are mindless liberals, very unfortunately. B'H, we know that H' rules the minds and hearts of leaders and somehow, HE will lead us. the Bnai Yisrael, to the Geulah, b'rachamim!

Neshama said...

Anon, may I suggest that you might find this article interesting and meaningful:
Hebraic Republic vs Judaic State

Leah said...

Articles such as these were printed, yet apparently the Trump administration did not make these comments. They are false. There was a statement issued today from the White House that emphasizes this.

Neshama said...

Yes, its all fake news. Even the ‘reliable' news is fake. Why because it changes from day to day, increases, and the purpose of the leak is tweaked. “They” are out to crush Trump in no uncertain terms. The Liberal Fascists.

Anonymous said...

He's got enemies from all sides, the dems and the rhino reps. and they are all conspicuously obvious about their hatred for him. This degree of animosity towards the pres. is unprecedented in American history. The reason is that there is really no difference today between the two parties who are now committed to socialist globalism which, of course, goes against the basic American public's correct view of freedom, except for those uninformed who believe anything and are more knowledgable about the happenings in Hollywood than anything else.

Media for the last hundred plus years always works for the powers; truth means nothing, but it only has one purpose and that is to hypnotize and influence the dumb public.

As believing Jews, we know the hearts and minds of leaders are in the Hand of H'.

Neshama said...

Anon 17:23, unprecedented is putting it mildly. The liberal fascists that lost the election and are working tooth n’nail to get at Trump; fake news is too simple a term. I see this as treasonable behavior of the losers!

Anonymous said...

Neshama @17:30 - Agree 100%.

Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

  Prophetic Messages for Jews With Heretical Beliefs For those who trust in the IDF, Trump, Bibi, America, elections, and anything except Ha...