22 March 2017

"Wave of Insanity” – A Cultural War

A Wave of Insanity is Overtaking Elements of Israeli Society having a Deleterious effect on all of Israeli Society. This endangers the continuity of the Jewish People and the Jewish Nation. 
[UPDATE: See video at end]

Rabbi Melamed: A wave of insanity has permeated the IDF [. . .] calls for an end to the 'leftist-inspired cultural war'. 
"They tell us, Rabbi, that we religious are backward and primitive. We are in the 21st century, they say, get real, what reasons can we provide for not having women serving in combat units alongside men?”
Rabbi Melamed: The way of life set out by the Jewish faith is the most progressive lifestyle there is. This ethical way of life has survived many attempts to overcome it with transient, inane and sometimes evil societal mores.

Rabbi Melamed: There is no question that we are embroiled in a culture war that has infiltrated the IDF. For the last year and half, there is a negative feeling emanating from IDF upper echelons with regard to the IDF Rabbinate. [. . .]Its role has been downsized. [. . .] IDF rabbis also were tasked with teaching Jewish identity, Jewish consciousness. a feeling of Jewish continuity, all of which contributed a great deal to the spirit and ideology of the soldiers guarding Israel and the Land of Israel. ArutzSheva

The Cultural War Doesn’t Begin 
and End in the IDF

Maaleh Adumim: Christianity in an Orthodox kindergarten?
Mother discovers non-Jewish child enrolled in her daughter's Orthodox kindergarten is spreading Christian beliefs. ArutzSheva

Efrat Levy spoke with Arutz Sheva about the kindergarten, and the effect it had on her daughter. Levy’s suspicions were initially raised after her young daughter began repeating slogans which did not fit the religious environment in which she was being raised. Some of the comments had explicitly Christian content: “Jxxxx is God”, “Jxxxx is the Messiah”, and so forth.

“I didn’t send my daughter to a religious kindergarten so that she would come home saying things about Jesus,” 

The Cultural War Continues with 
Innoculating Foreign Worship to Children

Parents in Caesarea are up in arms over their children apparently being asked or required to bow down in a mosque, mimicking the Muslim form of prayer, when they were taken on a class trip to a mosque in the Arab town of Jisr a-Zarka. Images of the visit reached Channel 20, and were broadcast, leading parents to inundate the offices of local and national education officials with complaints.

The Caeserea elementary school that the children attend is known to be “open” to other cultures, and has a comprehensive program for children to explore and experience all aspects of Israeli culture. But parents of the students in question called the visit “ridiculous. What would happen if they took the Muslim children of that town to a synagogue and made them bow?”

TO this Rabbi Mizrachi said (paraphrased), "if they were taken to a Synagogue, all out war would erupt in Israel. A Mosque is okay, but a Synagogue . . . .!”

. . . And also poisoning Kindergarten Children

City council member (
Herzliya) dismissed for opposing heterophobic values.  Elad Zadikov dismissed from coalition and Torah culture portfolio for opposition to anti-family value dissemination ​​in kindergartens. . . .claimed to the mayor that he is turning the Herzliya education system "into the first in Israel to impart deviant tendency values ​​as a normal model, even to be emulated." ArutzSheva

"On behalf of what public," he asked, "were you allowed to poison the minds of our kindergarten children and introduce a spirit of lasciviousness and confusion into the tender souls of Herzliya's 3,4,5-year-olds!? The fact that they are affiliated with the general public education system does not allow anyone to confuse basic concepts and the traditional values ​​of home and family unit."

Zadikov: 'Irrational decision that poisons our children’: Herzliya City Council member 'shaken by kindergartens pushing deviant tendencies', calls on mayor to ban agitators from education system:

"Among the recommendations to kindergarten teachers and their assistants: Eliminating the concept of 'father and mother of the Sabbath' classroom role-playing; deliberate identity confusion: No dolls for girls, no boy's games; providing a female role model for male professions; explaining to kindergarten children that there is a wide range of family units, including for example: two mothers, or two fathers, or a mother and father who live apart, or the mother and her friend, or the father and his friend (for 4-year-olds)!!??

Fadlon (of Hoshen) responded to Zadikov that "the education system in our city is among the most advanced and enlightened in the State of Israel. 

Who and What is Hoshen:

Hoshen (in Hebrew, an acronym for "Education and Change") is the public education and awareness-raising arm of the LGBT community in Israel. We are a nationwide, non-profit organization whose purpose is to challenge the stereotypes surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity while training the Israeli professional community to better deal with these issues.

Sota 49b: "In the footsteps of Mashiach the Government will turn to heresy”


D said...

General Gadi Eisenkot, who is pushing iron-hard for this sick and perverse gender mixing agenda in the IDF, has a very strange sounding last name, which may be a good candidate for continuation of the list of examples given in the Gemara Berachot of "prophetically given names", names which reveal the essence of a person with this name.

EISENKOT means in German language literally "IRON-SHIT" !
The General "Iron-Shit".

Really !!! Not a joke !

Meaning that this man is full of really Iron-Hard Constipation.
Seems to be a kind of Systemic Constipation, which may also include his Brain as well.

Neshama said...

Well, you know, that he was in the hospital for a male-related disease and I think operated on. So, that’s close.

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