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Astounding Hebrew Gematria of Snow
Our Hebrew Gematria blogs have shown that processes which are connected in nature often have the same Hebrew Gematria. For instance, we saw that the Hebrew word for Pregnancy has the same Hebrew Gematria as the number of days in a normal pregnancy, and that the corresponding Hebrew Gematria for the Primary Colors of Light are proportional to their wavelengths.
Let's look at a related example of Hebrew Gematria. We all know that snow is white. White is made up equal amounts of the three Primary Colors of Light. All three Primary Colors must have equal amounts for white light to appear.
Now, amazingly, Hebrew Gematria demonstrates this fundamental law of physics.
The Hebrew word for snow is sheleg, shown below

Snow (sheleg in Hebrew) consists of three Hebrew letters, representing the three Primary Colors of Light. The Hebrew Gematria is made up of the Hebrew letters Shin (Gematria 300), Lamed (Gematria 30) and Gimel (Gematria 3). Thus, the combined Hebrew Gematria of sheleg (snow) is 333. Astonishingly, not only does snow in Hebrew have three letters to represent the Primary Colors of Light, but its Gematria is 333, indicating that to get the white of snow, it needs equal proportions of each Primary Color – 3 of each (3, 3 and 3).
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