Ode to Tu B'Shevat
Ode to a Tree
The owners of the house in which we live
planted a gorgeous tree in front
and I watched as it grew all these years
stretching up to its Creator ... in Heaven
From our big picture window
just below the sloping roof
the branches upward grew and grew
and the sparrows came to sing [to me]
Well, it started getting unruly,
branches dashing up against our windows
as if to come in from the cold
whenever there was rain, snow and wind
But trees don't live inside.
Thursday two big truck-monsters came
and parked in front of the house
and draped a yellow streamer
around that gorgeous tree.

as if to come in from the cold
whenever there was rain, snow and wind
But trees don't live inside.
Thursday two big truck-monsters came
and parked in front of the house
and draped a yellow streamer
around that gorgeous tree.

One hour later, there was a much shorter,
thinner and refined tree left naked, forlorn and
shy in front of the house exposed to the brightness of day.
thinner and refined tree left naked, forlorn and
shy in front of the house exposed to the brightness of day.
It was unruly, climbing up and out
stretching out into the street
pushing itself over to the school
as if to caress the morning children
and claim its dominance
among the other trees.

But now, birdies without a home
to serenade the sparks of dawn
and hide as evening nears
and my windows are very very lonely.
It looks so utterly alone down there
and I wonder what it will do
when it attempts to dress up
in its blossoms and leaves this spring?
stretching out into the street
pushing itself over to the school
as if to caress the morning children
and claim its dominance
among the other trees.
In its boldness it was admirable
and when it bloomed every Pesach

with big white blossoms
the scene was amazing, dazzling
an array of whiteness ... like heaven.
But now, birdies without a home
to serenade the sparks of dawn
and hide as evening nears
and my windows are very very lonely.
It looks so utterly alone down there
and I wonder what it will do
when it attempts to dress up
in its blossoms and leaves this spring?

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