10 February 2010

Push, Push Back

MARCH 1 - 7

has come up with a super idea
In order to help her mission and further the
Push Back Against Anti-Israel Propaganda,
below is her idea in her own words:

"March 1st-7th will be a time for a wave of anti-Israel activities on campuses in North America. I’d like to do my modest bit to help, by hosting a roundup of posts on this topic (anything pro-Israel is good). I can’t help but notice that the starting date for this anti-Israel festival is Shushan Purim – the day that we celebrate the Jews’ victory against those who hate us – especially in the Diaspora.

Those of you who would like to contribute please send links to posts to my email, westbankmama at fastmail dot fm." []

Let's do all we can to bring

Also: Taanis & Purim Segulos

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