23 February 2010

Entire Week of Prayer

Send your prayer to the Tomb of
Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk on 21 Adar

explain it best:

For hundreds of years people have been yearning to pray at the graves of holy Tzadikim in Europe. Unfortunately, most of these graves are very hard to get to and therefore, the dream of praying at these holy sites has rarely come true. 

Kivrei is now offering you the opportunity to fulfill this dream and to be prayed for at more than 400 graves of great ancient Tzadikim all over Poland and Ukraine.

These special prayers will go on for an entire week, starting Sunday 21 of Adar (March 7), which is the yartzeit of the Holy Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk Zi"a.

Please spread the word about this unique opportunity amongst your friends and family and let them, too, join our special free service and be prayed for, at the tomb of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.


Starting 21 Adar and continuing for 8 days, Kivrei-Tzadikim's emissaries will pray for you at more than 400 holy sites in Poland and Ukraine. The emissaries will visit the Tzadikim of (partial list): [To register for the entire week of prayers]

The Netziv
The Tifferes Shlomo
The Maharshal
The Chozeh of Lublin
Reb Tzadok HaCohen of Lublin
The Maharm
Reb Elimelech of Lizensk
Reb Naftali of Ropshitz
The Yid HaKadosh
The Koshnitzer Maggid
Menachem Mendel M'Riminov
The Tosfos Yom Tov

The Bach
The Rama
The Megaleh Amukos
The Sar Shalom of Belz
Reb Aharon of Karlin
The Taz
The Sm"a
Reb Moshe Leib of Sassov
Reb Meir of Primishlan
The Tzemach Tzadik
The Ruzhiner
The Ba'al Shem Tov
The Ohev Yisroel
Reb Zusha
The Maggid of Mezritch
The Maharsha
Reb Pinchas of Koritz
The Toldos Yaakov Yosef
The Berditchever
Rebbe Nachhman of Breslev
The Ba'al HaTanya
The Mittler Rebbe
The She'eris Yisroel
The Sfas Emes

During this intensive week, our righteous representatives will visit more than 400 graves of tzadikim all over Poland and Ukraine, where they will recite your name and personal prayer at each and every one of the graves. Many of the graves are very hard to get to and therefore are rarely visited by people, Prayers at these holy sites are a unique opportunity to merit these Tzadikim's advocacy in Heaven. Some of the Tzadikim buried in these graves have promised specific help to the people who will come to pray at their tombs.

Amongst our God fearing representatives will be righteous Torah scholars one of which is the direct descendant of the holy Ba'al Shem Tov and many other Tzadikim. You can register for this special week of prayer by visiting Kivrei Tzadikim.

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