Confronting Yossi Mizrachi Over His Vaccine Vitriol
Asher Weiss went mute, but Mizrachi doubled down
First things first: this week’s Torah class, called Koresh was no Messiah, and much more, has lots of great Torah for Purim and in general. Please share these important teachings from Chazal and help clear away widespread distortions and confusion.
The recording is available here.
Among the many rabbis who forcefully pushed the Covid shots, Yossi Mizrachi spewed some of the most inflammatory rhetoric. He repeatedly referred to those who refused to take the shots as stupid and evil, murderers who have no share in the world to come, and said they should die at home alone.
Mizrachi’s following is mainly ba’alei teshuva, newly religious Jews and those considering becoming religious, who tend to be largely ignorant and extremely dependent on charismatic authority figures — in other words, easy prey.
The manner in which this demographic is targeted, brainwashed, and often horribly abused by the Erev Rav and grifters who turned kiruv into an industry is a larger discussion. It’s also a big part of how they wage war on the Jewish people from within. An extremely high percentage of ba’alei teshuva abandon Torah observance within a few years, and are unlikely to ever come back, especially if they were badly burned and disillusioned. After all, they can say they sincerely tried the Judaism thing and it wasn’t for them.
So when “kiruv rabbis” like Mizrachi with a huge platform make outrageous statements, they are driving away thousands of Jews from Torah observance, and turning off many more whose anti-religious views will seem validated. One would expect brand-name rabbis to be extremely sensitive to their ability to drive away Jews wholesale, and how hard it is to bring any of them back — but they are oblivious, or just don’t care.
The series of clips in this montage comes from a nearly two and a half hour lecture by Mizrachi in 2021 here, primarily from a 15-minute excerpt on YouTube called “The TRUTH about the COVID Vaccine? MUST WATCH!”. The videos were published by Torah Anytime, which is ironic, because they don’t contain any actual Torah content. It’s not a class; it’s a polemic.
(This is another fundamental problem with our Erev Rav-indoctrinated generation; they cannot tell the difference, and seriously believe listening to “shiurim” such as this qualifies as Torah study and makes them Torah educated. Regurgitating what Rabbi So-and-so declared, parroting with an air of decisiveness words they never even contemplated, is the new form of teaching the Torah they think they learned.)
Mizrachi said all of the following in his polemics:
Like the false prophets of old, he declared from on high that a woman who didn’t take the shot and subsequently died of Covid (that was the official cause of death, anyway…) had not been written in heaven to die, but had killed herself.
Mizrachi later declared that “anti-vaxxers” were responsible for their own shortened lives, and would be punished additionally in heaven for having killed themselves.
Israel was chosen to receive the Covid shots before other countries because Israel’s Health Ministry keeps the best records in the world, and therefore the vaccine manufacturers would know if people died from the shots before giving them to millions of people all over the world.
In other words, the Jews in Israel were hand-picked to be guinea pigs.
At the same time, Mizrachi also declared that this vaccine is different from all the other ones, there is “no chance it will do something”, and it’s “the safest thing ever”.
In another polemic, with the title Vaccines, Flattering the Wicked - A Fiery Lecture (beginning at about the 10-minute mark), Mizrachi declared that there was “no risk whatsoever”.
Yet Mizrachi also said that Pfizer only chose Israel because Bibi pleaded with Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer and supposedly a Greek Jew, who agreed as a personal favor, Jew to Jew.
Mizrachi stated that Israel’s leaders are wicked, but they would never kill their own people. Of course, we know that on many occasions they’ve done just that, but Mizrachi the prophet knows precisely how wicked they are and where these wicked people would draw the line. When it comes to shiny new injections we must trust them completely.
Mizrachi reads Pfizer’s claims of the effectiveness of the shots as if it is Torah from Sinai. While his entire position is predicated on blindly accepting official claims (from people he admits are wicked) and media reports, he lambastes those who believe “whatever they see on Youtube”.
Meanwhile, Mizrachi speaks like a total fool in explaining how safe these shots are. For example, he informs his audience that the Covid shots “inject spikes into the body for 24 hours”. That’s it, after one day they go away.
Personally, the idea of injecting spikes into someone sounds pretty dangerous; we have lots of vital, delicate things inside our bodies that probably shouldn’t come into contact with spikes. My first thought upon hearing that you’d only have the spikes for one day was that one day is all you would have. Why not inject rusty nails already? No chance it will do anything; safest thing ever!
Mizrachi either does not know or pretends to not know that even in the Pfizer trials people were known to have been harmed.
Mizrachi mocks “anti-vaxxers” for worrying about what might happen in the near or distant future if you take the shots. If you don’t get the vaccine, you will die tomorrow!
Mizrachi boasts about having made as many as 150,000 people ba’alei teshuva (quite unseemly to boast like this, even if it were true), but then says that one-third of them are evil, even more evil than they were before, and he is sorry that he made them ba’alei teshuva.
Why? Because they refused to take the Covid shots, thus demonstrating that they have “zero respect” for Torah scholars, even after supposedly becoming educated by the likes of Mizrachi. As far as Yossi Mizrachi is concerned, being a Torah-observant Jew means blindly following orders from cult leaders in the form of rabbinic authorities.
I find it encouraging that one-third of his prey had the wisdom and fortitude to disobey.
Mizrachi further lamented that he will get no reward for them, and in this he is correct, though not for the reason he thinks. It is because one who regrets doing a mitzvah (essentially doing teshuva for doing a goodthing) forfeits his reward for it.
Once again playing god, Mizrachi declared that these people have no share in the world to come, even though they keep Shabbos, kosher, and other mitzvos. Mizrachi might want to listen to a class I gave two years ago on the topic of who has no share in the world to come, according to the Rambam. Quite a few categories seem to clearly apply to rabbis like him. (The class is available here.)
Among the many invectives Mizrachi hurled at “anti-vaxxers”, he accused them of ego and arrogance. The reader can decide if this and so much more is projection.
In that vein, the false prophet further declared that “anti-vaxxers” are praying for thousands of Jews to die — no question in his mind! — just so they could say “we told you, we were right”.
Aside from fabricating this horrible accusation, Mizrachi appears oblivious to all the death wishes that Covid cultists publicly hurled at those who declined to be injected. More projection.
If they don’t want to take the shot, said Mizrachi, they should die at home, who cares But why are they trying to “force people not to listen to rabbonim”.
Yet more projection; who was doing the forcing?
In the full lecture at around the 43-minute mark, Mizrachi made the outrageous projection that anti-vaxxers were the ones being paid thousands of dollars a month to spread fake news.
According to Mizrachi and his sketchy sources of information that he blindly trusted, Jews in Bnei Brak were being paid by Christians, or Soros, or whoever to spread lies about the Covid shots so that Jews in Israel would die, and the entire country would stay in lockdown forever until it collapsed.
Mizrachi also claimed that manufacturers of vaccines using the previous technology were paying anti-vaxxers to spread fake news because the new technology would put them out of business (apparently this did not include Pfizer).
But the anti-vaxxers were the conspiracy theorists.
Mizrachi even admitted that hospitals locked Covid patients in rooms until they starved to death (many helpless patients had written farewell notes to that effect), but absolved the hospital staff from guilt because they believed if they entered the rooms they would die. Apparently there was no way to safely feed the prisoners…er, patients.
After all that and so much more, I recently approached Yossi Mizrachi with the million-dollar question: In light of all the information that has come out, does he take responsibility for the many people who were harmed and killed by the shots he forcefully pushed?
Whereas Shabak-consultant Asher Weiss repeatedly went mute (see here and here), Mizrachi actually had what to say.
Every medicine has side effects, Mizrachi began (contradicting his earlier claims that there was “no chance whatsoever” the shots would harm anyone). However, if not for the Covid shots, we would have had 200,000 dead in Israel. (In another earlier polemic, Mizrachi claimed the shots saved all of humanity, which is outright kefira.)
This sort of argument is precisely that of those who sacrificed their children to Molech; we have to actively sacrifice some people for “the greater good”. Those who refused to offer sacrifices were endangering everyone.
When I challenged this claim, Mizrachi insisted that he knows this “for sure”. We had the choice between 200,000 dead or “a few people with side effects”.
Mizrachi also claimed at this late date that “to the best of my knowledge not one person died from the shot”. When I countered that I know otherwise, he retorted that that is only what I think. I only think, but Yossi Mizrachi knows.
Typical of those who shilled for the shots, Mizrachi claimed that there was no “ideal solution” (such as giving proper medical treatment to those who became ill) — only vaccines.
When I asked Mizrachi if the more than 90% of Jews in Israel who didn’t take the fourth shot — which was still mandatory at the time — were evil and had no share in the world to come, Mizrachi concocted a new argument: Covid was no longer so deadly at that point.
What about the one-third of Jews in Israel who didn’t take even the first shot? That’s still millions of Jews. Were they all evil and had no share in the world to come?
Instead of answering this question, Mizrachi changed the subject and tried to gaslight me by asking if I have “emunas chachamim”, by which he means blind faith in and total obedience to cult-leaders in the form of rabbinic authorities.
I wrote many articles on the topic of when one must listen to a rabbi, and have a class about it here, filled with clear, illuminating Torah sources.
But I did not confront Yossi Mizrach to berate him or debate him. I simply wanted to hold him accountable for his numerous outrageous claims and demands, and see if he took responsibility for the harm they caused.
Not surprisingly, he does not.
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