An overwhelming compilation of lies, doublespeak, and horrific
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Efrem Goldberg is the Senior Rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue and a celebrity rabbi in the Modern Orthodox / Secular Orthodox world, where no Torah sermon is complete without a heavy dose of cultural references and citations from secular books, and making it as a Jew means getting quoted in the New York Times, throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game, and any other goyish kibbudim.
Naturally, Efrem Goldberg is all-in on “valuing diversity and celebrating unity”. From his bio:
And, naturally, Efrem Goldberg is all-in on vaccines, to the extent that valuing diversity and celebrating unity end when it comes to those who don’t take them. Potential serial killers and existential threats to humanity — anti-vaxxers — is where he draws the line. In 2019 he took a particularly harsh stance against adults and children who didn’t take the measles shot, barring them from his synagogue:
Before we continue, I cannot let him get away with the assertion that “Halacha demands that we follow the medical consensus”. This is a sound bite that plays well, but nothing could be further from the truth, for reasons I wrote about at length during the Covid era. I have included links to many of the most important essays after this article, and hope you will take the time to read them and share them.
A few weeks after this Facebook post, Goldberg responded to criticism from a colleague in an article titled “Are We Playing God? Leadership, Vaccination and a Communal Policy”. Goldberg completely delegitimized those who are against vaccination, equating them with those who believe in hand-picked “conspiracies” and referring to them all as “equally ludicrous” — except for the fact that those who oppose vaccination are a threat to people’s lives.
He further writes:
If you think that “clean and healthy living” has managed to eradicate smallpox, haemophilus influenzae, and polio instead of an aggressive vaccination campaign, you aren’t looking at historical facts with an alternative perspective on health and healing. You are just wrong…
…If you think that vaccines cause autism and are putting thousands, nay, millions of kids in danger each year all in the name of some Big Pharma conspiracy, you aren’t looking at the current state of medicine with an enlightened lens. You are just wrong.
He then refers to vaccines as “God’s gift and benevolence to us”. Taking vaccines is “partnering with God in perfecting His world”, because that is the only way to eradicate disease — not clean and healthy living, and certainly not teshuva, tefilla, and tzedaka.
According to Efrem Goldberg, a perfected world is one in which all human beings are injected with vaccines upon their entry into this world, with an ever-increasing and ongoing program of injections throughout their lives.
Goldberg then engaged in some delicious doublespeak:
We are greatly sympathetic to the feelings of isolation or marginalization that non-vaccinating families must be enduring. But let’s be clear – nobody has kicked them out or put them in cherem. They have been, currently are, and always will be welcome in our schools, provided that they comply with our safety policies.
He didn’t kick out perfectly healthy unvaccinated people, he just told them not to enter. He didn’t put them in cherem, which is a set of severe social sanctions against people until they back down and comply with Jewish law. He simply levied severe social sanctions against them until they comply and get injected.
Goldberg, the smooth-talking champion of diversity and unity, except when it comes to a most specific application of the safety card, then took the rhetoric to a very unsafe place:
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt, assistant rabbi of the Young Israel of Woodmere, put it well when he recently wrote:
Imagine if parents were to insist their child come to school armed with a revolver. Would even the most ardent gun rights activist defend them? Of course not. So why are we letting children come to our shuls, schools, and camps spreading serious potentially life-threatening illness that could have been prevented by vaccination?
That’s right, Efrem Goldberg approved a statement from Aaron Glatt (who faces strongly supported allegations of medical murder) equating healthy unvaccinated children with school shooters.
Goldberg later posted this:
Despite taking such an idolatrous position on drugs and vaccines, and despite barring people from shul if they don’t have health papers, suddenly Goldberg takes a firm stand on medical privacy. If you want to come to shul, it’s everyone’s business what medications you took, but if you want to get married, it’s no one’s business!
This only makes sense if you understand that Goldberg is an Erev Rav faithfully misleading the Jewish people, and both positions are bad for you.
Not only is Efrem Goldberg guilty of being megaleh panim b’Torah, distorting the Torah to support conclusions that contradict the Torah (for which one loses his share in the world to come, even if he has Torah and good deeds under his belt), Goldberg also lies through his teeth when it comes to essential facts about the vaccines he so ardently promotes.
In a recent conversation with Goldberg, he asserted that 11,702 reports of serious adverse events on VAERS from the measles vaccines are made up.
It should be noted that knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment (see here).
Apparently Goldberg is quite the conspiracy theorist.
It should also be noted that the “medical consensus” is that less than one percent of adverse events from vaccines are reported. Those 11,000 reports would indicate more than 1.1 million actual cases of serious adverse events from the measles vaccines, which are the price of admission to Goldberg’s pseudo-Orthodox domain.
Goldberg also asserted that diseases such as measles were eliminated until people stopped vaccinating against them, when the precise opposite is true. According to official numbers, measles was pretty much finished before the vaccines were first introduced, with all the serious adverse events they brought with them:
Similarly, Covid — whatever that even really is — didn’t fade away until the masses overwhelmingly stopped taking shots, even when they were still being mandated with doomsday warnings.
Goldberg was also informed that, according to the CDC, the fatality rate for measles in the U.S. had dropped to approximately 1 in 10,000. “Not true,” he unequivocally replied. “Fake news.”
Here is a screenshot from the relevant page on the CDC site:
Indeed, 400-500 deaths out of 4 million cases of measles would be 1 in 10,000.
Conversely, here is a screenshot from the VAERS databases showing 4708 reports of serious adverse reactions to the measles shots over a 10-year period from 2015-2024. If that represents one percent of actual such events, that would be 470,800 healthy people — most of them children — who were turned into seriously injured people by the people Goldberg serves and demands we worship.
According to Goldberg, this is all fake news.
Whereas Asher Weiss took the silent approach, and Yossi Mizrachi took the Molech approach (we have to actively sacrifice some people to save the rest), Efrem Goldberg just waved it all away as made-up.
In the days of old, corrupt, deceitful, smooth-talking false prophets misled the masses to spiritual and physical destruction. Why did the masses continue to follow them? Why did they continue to fall for their lies and distortions?
Why do they do so today?
Is it ego? The unwillingness to admit that they were very wrong, badly fooled, and made some very poor decisions — some of which might not be reversible?
Are they under a spell of Amalek and the Erev Rav, slaves to the idolatry they serve as partners with God, or substitutes for Him?
Are they evil like the rabbis they have chosen to follow?
Is there any chance that at least some of them will see this information and finally change course?
Is there any chance that Erev Rav snakes will face consequences from their own victims?
I hope you will share this information with them and stand as confidently for the truth as Efrem Goldberg lied to my face.Much of the information about measles comes from this article by Brucha Weisberger.
Here are links to essential articles about the true Torah perspective on many related matters:
Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 1
Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 2
Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 3
Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 4
Trusting Doctors in Halachic Responsa – Part 1
Trusting Doctors in Halachic Responsa – Part 2
Medical Intervention in the Torah Part 1
Medical Intervention in the Torah Part 2
Religious Reasons Not to Take the Shots
Two Rabbinic Distortions – Part One
Visit for the mother lode of articles and books.
Visit for my Torah classes, Amalek and Erev Rav programs, and much more.
Buy my books on Amazon here or contact me directly to purchase in Israel.
Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!
"Rabbi Steven Pruzansky - was a rabbi and attorney in the United States, now resides in Israel where he teaches Torah in Modiin, serves as Senior Research Associate at the Jerusalem Center for Applied Policy (, and is author of “Road to Redemption” (Kodesh Press)."
How do these rabbis(?) live with themselves? Only if they are true Erev Rav is
it possible to live with themselves. Thought that most in the modern civilized world have learned that these chisounim caused many injuries & worse.
Maybe they're getting paid off; that's always the bottom line.
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