25 March 2025

Rabbi Weissman: IDF Meat Grinder Running out of Time

the incongruency of the reality we are facing can only be viewed as the pain we must endure before HKB"H finally allows Mashiach MBD to appear and to make sense of all we are going thru. there is an answer in Shamayim that we desperately need. our awakening yidden must continue until the outcry shatters the opposition to our being redeemed. (me at 4:14 am). The Vilna Gaon said (paraphrased) the Geula process will witness forward accomplishments, but accompanied by several steps in reverse. This tension is necessary and causes spiritual stress. And as Rabbi Glatstein said, Spiritual Stress Prolongs Life. Rabbi Weissman caustically exposes all the ugliness and pain of this process of Geula to wake up Israelis, and slowly many are realizing what is really going on. The painful truth is deep.


The IDF Meat Grinder Is Running Out of Time — Critical Information

100,000 wounded soldiers expected by 2030 — but soldiers are refusing orders

Imagine that your job was to report to the Jewish people on their planned systematic destruction, already well in progress, but to put a positive spin on it. Your article would look something like one that appeared yesterday in the Jerusalem Post.

The “reporter” is described on his Jerusalem Post bio page as “well-connected to all of the top Israeli ministries from his former posts in the IDF, the Foreign Ministry, and the Justice Ministry.’” Whose yarn do you think he will be weaving?

Before we continue with the article itself, a few questions should immediately come to mind, questions that would be asked by any real journalist if the media weren’t controlled.

  1. How do they come by these estimates?
  2. How do they know Israel will be fighting wars for the next five years at least?
  3. Why are we expected to suffer so much carnage during that time?
  4. What are they doing to prevent this carnage?
  5. Why can’t they do better?
  6. Why are they already conditioning the public to accept such horrible defeat?
  7. Why should the regime be allowed to lead us into this scenario?
  8. Weren’t we supposed to achieve victory, totally defeat Hamas, yachad nenatzeiach, etc.?
  9. Since that clearly isn’t the plan, what are we getting in exchange for all the soldiers they are planning on getting maimed and killed? 15-minute cities, perhaps?
  10. Bonus question for the reporter: do you ever feel pangs of guilt serving as a thinly veiled propagandist for the regime, or is there nothing left of your soul?

Here are some interesting nuggets from the article itself:

In December 2024, the ministry said the number of wounded soldiers had crossed the 75,000 mark, and for the current war had crossed the 13,500 mark. Although these numbers have shattered previous records and the pace of wounded soldiers had skyrocketed compared to the pre-war era, in terms of the war itself, the pace of wounded soldiers clearly slowed even before the ceasefire, and essentially froze during the January 19-March 18 ceasefire.

The Erev Rav got Jewish fighters maimed and killed like never before, shattering previous records of shattered soldiers and shattered families — but there’s good news! The pace of this shattering has slowed down, and mostly stopped for two whole months!

There have been no killed soldiers so far in Gaza since the renewed invasion started on March 19, and no sizable number of new wounded soldiers yet.

In five whole days they haven’t gotten any more soldiers killed, and not even a “sizable number” of newly wounded soldiers. Whatever that’s supposed to mean, it sounds great!

If this keeps up, they will have some catching up to do to get to 100,000 wounded soldiers for 2030. They might even need an extra few days.

But I’m confident they can pull this off. After all:

In July 2024, the Defense Ministry said that 9,250 soldiers had been wounded in nine months of fighting. It also predicted at the time that 14,000 would be wounded for all of 2024, with Sunday’s numbers passing that prediction.

Here’s some historical context:

Prior to the war, there were 62,000 injured soldiers from all prior wars and battles, of which 18%, or 11,000, had emotional harm.

According to the Defense Minstry, 62,000 IDF soldiers were injured in all the wars and battles from 1948-2023 combined, and 13,500 IDF soldiers were injured in 2024 alone. Supposedly trying to defeat Hamas in little Gaza.

Chew on that.

Is the IDF mortified by its stunning failure? Are the leaders being rounded up and held accountable for reckless manslaughter, if not treason? Is the public demanding the IDF be disbanded and replaced with a true Jewish army, and the same with the Erev Rav state itself?

Of course not. The IDF is proud, and so are its victims. As the propaganda continues:

The IDF has said it is proud that 85% of its soldiers who have a potential mix of being physically or emotionally harmed by their war experiences are able to return to the battlefield.

Like these ............:

[Photos omitted]

This is the highest calling of a Jew.

Go ahead and support the IDF, and fantasize that it’s a Jewish army that is conquering the land, and protecting the people, and they are fighting a perpetual milchemes mitzah, and we’d all be dead without the IDF, and demand the “haredim” join the meat grinder too. Because Jews are supposed to be smart.

I said it before, I’ll say it again: you cannot talk about fighting a war against your external enemies when you are led by internal enemies.

Then there’s this:

As part of the lessons learned from the October 7th Massacre and the fact that alerts by IDF lookouts about Hamas terrorist training exercises were ignored...when a vehicle approaches the border, the lookouts will be altered if it belongs to terrorists.

First of all, they are admitting they ignored the warnings of the lookouts.

Imagine this scenario: A 3-year-old child comes running. “Daddy! Daddy! There’s a man with a knife! And he’s hurting Mommy!”

What would we expect Daddy to do?

  1. Ignore the child. It’s probably nothing.
  2. Smack the child and warn him that if he continues to say such things he will be grounded forever.
  3. Check it out. Immediately.

What if it’s not a 3-year-old, but a well-trained team of lookouts who are watching the enemy nonstop? What if they are reporting that thousands of well-armed terrorists are streaming through the border fence?

In the weeks and months leading up to October 7, IDF brass threatened those who issued warnings with prosecution.

On October 7 IDF brass ignored desperate warnings in real time.

Why have lookouts altogether if you’re going to ignore them?

Were those responsible for this “boo-boo” rounded up on October 8, where they were interrogated like they did to Amiram Ben Uliel and summarily hung in the town square?

Of course not.

They told you now isn’t the time to ask questions, then sent Jews into death traps, where they were shattered in record numbers.

They orchestrated an intense hostage propaganda psy-op. All hostages, all the time.

They made color war protests to divide the people against each other and blame each other for everything.

They scapegoated the “haredim”.

They claimed October 7 was a preposterous combination of “intelligence failures”, mistakes, and brilliant planning by the enemy, then they investigated themselves and confirmed it.

They let a couple of people “take responsibility” and suffer the consequences by going into early retirement with full pensions and honor.

They replaced a few establishment goons with new establishment goons to reassure you that meaningful changes are being made and it will be different now.

They even admit that they ignored the lookouts on October 7. Our bad! The obvious remedy would be to round up all those who were responsible for this, as noted, but they have an even better idea, which saves all the unpleasantness of rounding up traitors.

From now on, when lookouts report Toyota truck filled with terrorists approaching the border, the intelligence agencies will inform them if it’s actually a terrorist vehicle, or if they should ignore their own warnings and cut out the middleman.

Problem solved! They made it make sense.

Of course, none of this is a big deal. The big deal is whatever is on the front page of the Mockingbird media right now. Shunt all this out of your mind completely and keep doing whatever your neighbors and your oppressors expect you to do. 

And then there’s this:

Is this because soldiers are increasingly becoming fed up with being maimed and killed for nothing? Of course not!

The state agency that wrote this report and covered it in Arutz Sheva wrapping paper has a much better spin:

The reservists understand that at this stage, it’s more about guarding and less intense fighting, and they say: ‘I enlisted, I gave up things - at least let me fight, do something active’.

They want to fight! They want more of the meat grinder they experienced over the last 16 months with nothing to show for it. And they’re not coming back unless they get it!

Meanwhile, I was waiting for an elevator last week and caught a few seconds of a TV with one of those constant Israeli “news” programs that has actors playing newsmen and controlled opposition giving you the spin.

One of the guests, a hand-picked “expert”, was explaining that they are going to resume fighting in Gaza to force Hamas to return to the negotiating table, and under more favorable terms.

They’re hardly even pretending anymore that there is any intention to defeat Hamas and achieve a meaningful, lasting victory. An unbrainwashed person would understand that that was never the intention, despite the made-for-TV proclamations and promises of just that.

After all, why would the Erev Rav and Amalek continue to fund and supply an entity they wish to defeat?

How could they expect to have 100,000 wounded IDF soldiers by 2030 if they dismantled the meat grinder apparatus in 2025?

This much is clear: the leaders are merely “stupid”, or under lots of pressure, they want to do the right thing, and they are doing the very best they can. Despite being “stupid”, they also know lots of things we don’t know, and are playing 4D chess. We cannot fathom their ways. We must continue to have faith in them and die for them. This is the highest calling of a Jew.

No matter how much their consistent track record precisely resembles what widespread deliberate betrayal would look like, widespread deliberate betrayal cannot even be seriously considered as a possibility. Notably, this is never even broached as a possibility by the controlled media, brand-name social media influencers, or anyone who is supposed to represent and fight for the people. Those who do broach it are mocked or accused of treason themselves.

Somehow they all looked at what happened before, during, and after October 7, and all of them bought the “intelligence failure” theory in lockstep, with a twist of “leftists trying to bring down Bibi” as an approved alternative for the controlled opposition.

Betrayal? Big-time betrayal? That’s crazy talk. Our leaders are bad, but they can’t be monsters; they speak Hebrew.

They would never send Jews into death traps. They would never orchestrate a false flag operation. They would never orchestrate protests against themselves to rally support from those who are turned off by the protests. They would never terrorize the people with sirens, let alone have their proxies fire rockets at their own people if necessary to achieve the desired effect. They would never train and recruit rabbis to serve their agenda.

If they spoke German instead of Hebrew, you would draw different conclusions.

If they had Russian names instead of Jewish names, you wouldn’t be so trusting and magnanimous.

30% of reservists are not reporting. It took them a very long time, and they paid a heavy price, but some are finally waking up to reality. It’s no longer taboo even in Dati Leumi cultland.

Furthermore, the IDF has a growing insubordination problem on its hands:

When World War II turned against the Germans, they ramped up the death machine, killing as many Jews possible before time ran out.

Jews are increasingly refusing to be sent back into death traps. It’s reaching a critical mass.

What will the Erev Rav and Amalek do?

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Anonymous said...

Jews are increasingly refusing to be sent back into death traps. It’s reaching a critical mass.

What will the Erev Rav and Amalek do?


Neshama said...

that got a chuckle - thanks

Anonymous said...

We, most I would assume, understand what's going on (depopulation of real Jews) and that is why B'H many are adamant in not joining the army but something radical has to take place, like new leadership of the military (MBY). We know that everything is from Shamayim, but we here in the lower world have our duty to choose good over evil.
They figured out those horrific numbers (100,000) because they don't give a hoot about the casualties, r'l, and they are planning for operation after operation, no victory, chas v'chalilah. The Erev Rave are our 'worst' enemy
because they are from within. We need more rabbis and people of importance constantly promoting to the public the evils of the Erev Rav.
Many still don't understand what and who they are. They must be made known - just for the survival of the majority of Jews.
H' uses the pereadam to make trouble just to wake our people up; but
the problem stems from uninformed Jews under the control of
the Erev Rav who have one goal - the end of the real Jews, c'v, and
getting rid of true Torah, c'v. Of course, they will FAIL BIG TIME, but at
what expense if we do not wake up and cry out to Hashem that the time
has come for our Redemption. May it be immediately.

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