25 March 2025

Rabbi Michoel Green: An ANALYSIS

New Series on Zionism

Dear Reader,

Peace and blessing.

Sometimes we are forced to confront uncomfortable truths in an honest and objective manner that risks infuriating others, including people who are near and dear to you.

Zionism is one of those painful topics.

I have been silent on this subject for a while so as not to distress some close family members and friends, not to mention subscribers and supporters.

In recent weeks, after becoming aware of a recent trend of children from Chabad families enlisting to the IDF and the looming threat of more human-sacrifice-ritual slaughter of young Jews in a new Trumpian-Bibian-Orwellian phase of the ongoing psyop in Gaza, I realize that it's a grave sin to remain silent.

Sadly, I am aware that I'll undoubtedly lose some cherished readers and subscribers over this, but my Torah obligation “Stand not over your brother's blood” outweighs all other considerations. Hence the upcoming series.

Please understand that this series is just a rough draft, as I plan to modify it somewhat after getting feedback from others. Consequently, archived posts will only be viewable online to paid subscribers at this time. I ultimately plan to publish it as an e-book once it's completed.

Please share your thoughts and comments. And of course as always, I welcome dissent and respectful dialogue.


Rabbi Michoel Green

Zionism Exposé

Confronting Uncomfortable Realities


Perhaps the two most egregious falsehoods of all times are "Zionism" and "Anti-Zionism."

At first glance, these two warring isms appear to be polar opposites, but ironically, they're two tentacles of the same beast. Both were conceived and promoted by the same ruling class of predatory sociopaths.

My opening statement puts them in apostrophes since neither is actually what it purports to be. Both are cleverly disguised misnomers.

Neither have anything to do with Zion.

The vast majority of people who espouse either one have no idea how they've been duped.

In the following series of essays, I shall attempt to expose the truth behind these persistent lies.

As you'll come to understand, I reject all forms of statism, not just Zionism. It's just that the latter is a rather insidious form thereof that has beguiled most of the world's Jewish population for over a century due to its pseudo-messianic theosophy and its cynical exploitation of generational Jewish trauma.

I'm aware that I won't be making any friends by voicing these views, but will undoubtedly lose friends and supporters over it. It’s a hefty price tag for daring to state the truth, but staying silent is no longer an option.

Some readers will predictably object that saintly Rebbes of the past had been keenly aware of the evils of Zionism yet desisted from opposing it publicly once the state became an impending reality. Others will counter: “What’s the alternative? Why be so negative? What's your point? What's your proposed course of action?” I intend to address all these questions and more.

Please resist the cancel-culture urge to bitterly denounce me before you've read till the end and have given objective consideration to the points articulated.

At the very least, I pray that my writings will give you pause, and will help you understand why a proud Jew like me disavows both isms as products of antinomian eugenicist degeneracy, yet at the same time is deeply concerned for the welfare of his fellow Jew and fellow human being, especially of those who live in our Holy Land. Moreover, I assert that the Holy Land is ours, the everlasting inheritance of every Jew.

Lastly, we'll brainstorm practical suggestions on how to move forward, both in the Holy Land and abroad.

May God Almighty bless my efforts to open the eyes of the blind and shed light on what is arguably the darkest blind spot Jews have ever confronted in our nearly-four-millennia-long history. By reclaiming authentic Zion and rejecting fake substitutes, may we merit true redemption in our time.

1. The Conspiracy of Modern Statism

2. The Lie of Zionism

3. The False Promises of Statehood

4. The Lie of Anti-Zionism

5. Zionism and Anti-Zionism: a Symbiotic Collusion

6. The Myths of Palestinianism, Occupation, and Two-State Solutions

7. Sacrilege of Religious Zionism

8. Who are the Real Zionists?

9. Reckless Misreckoning of Religious Anti-Zionism

10. Zionism and its Willing Collaborators:  Institutional Betrayal of Jewish Communities

11. The Fallacy of "Truther" Anti-Zionism

12. Existential Danger of False Messianism:  The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Position on Zionism and the Zionist State

13. Consistent Patterns of Democide: Amalek in Our Times

14. Don't Serve Them! –  The Torah Prohibition Against Serving in Current Times

15. Why the Secrecy? – On Zionism, Occult Societies, and Antinomianism

16. Why is Zionism the World's Most Popular Conspiracy Theory?

17. Confronting the Truth: Rousing the Sleeping Masses

18. How to Move Forward: Healing from the Ills of Zionism

19. Reclaiming Zion: Ushering in the “Beginning of Redemption” for Real

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