Part I: Conspiracy of Modern Statism
In order to understand the true objectives of Zionism, let's dispel a few myths concerning modern states and their citizens.
The former does not represent the latter nor does it exist to serve them, but just the opposite. The population is in perpetual servitude to the state like a slave to his master.
Who is the state?
Contrary to popular misconception, the state isn't an association comprised by its citizenry. Its government is not "of the people, by the people, for the people" [1] as it claims to be, nor does it belong to the people in any way.
Rather, the state is a tool of the ruling class. Government is owned by multinational corporations, or more accurately, by a small group of trillionaire families who own and control these multinational corporations. Representation is a mere illusion.
Back in the days of absolute monarchies, Charles XIV of France declared "L'État, c'est moi" (I am the state). Modern states are every bit as absolutist and autocratic, except the ruling class who wields the actual power is unknown to the public. Nominal “heads of state” and all other members of government are their marionettes.
The fact that citizens naively believe that "their" state and "their" government are their own is laughable, even more absurd than Boston fans thinking that the Celtics is "their" team.
Much like how a sports team is the exclusive property of its owner, government is owned exclusively by its ruling class handlers. However, the comparison ends here. While sports fans are nothing more than customers who buy the team owner's product, citizens of a state are far less than customers, or "consumers," as the ruling class calls them. They are the product itself, chattel, fodder for the insatiable appetite of the luciferian ruling class' deity.
The United States "belongs" to US citizens the same way that the People's Republic of China "belongs" to the enslaved Chinese people and the Islamic Republic of Iran "belongs" to Iranians. It's a fairy tale.
Similarly, the so-called Jewish State belongs not to the Jews but to the same ruling class of sociopaths who own the United States, China, and Iran.
There is no legality to any modern states' authority. Its very statehood is illegitimate.
In Torah law, a king or ruler who doesn't mint his own coin is an armed gangster [2]. The dollar isn't actual currency, but a promissory note to a cabal of private ruling-class bankers called the Federal Reserve. As such, the United States isn't sovereign. It's a rogue corporation. Taxation is robbery.
There's no rule of law in the US, nor is there in any other modern state. Individuals have no rights, no true autonomy.
When the state imposes lockdowns, curfews, mandates, etc., everyone falls in line. No one dares question the authority of state.
The media and academia feign independence but that's a hoax. Media, education, and medicine are owned by the same ruling class that state answers to. [3]
The Bill of Rights is an ignored and meaningless piece of paper, and so is the Constitution in its entirety. We are "governed" (i.e. tyrannized) by unelected tyrants who hold the puppet strings to all politicians and officials. Elections are a scam of epic proportions. The media is propaganda. Truth is suppressed. Education is indoctrination. Orwellian times indeed.
The state effectively owns the children and family unit, or whatever's left of it. The state likewise owns the food chain, the drinking water, the environment, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication. Your movement. The air you breathe. You name it. The state reigns supreme.
It's not that they rightfully own any of the above, but they have seized control of it generations ago while no one was paying attention.
In effect, the Land of Israel is being occupied by foreign trillionaire families who have consolidated most of the world's wealth. Most lands are likewise controlled by the same rogue element.
Modern states are the primary mechanism by means of which the ruling class exerts its ill-gotten control over the world's population and resources.
In order to justify their tyrannical rule, states need crises, threats, hazards, risks, uncertainties, poverty, chronic illness, etc. Anything to make its population feel dependent upon the state.
These crises are carefully orchestrated and perpetuated by the many tentacles of the ruling class.
In this regard, not much has changed since the Middle Ages during which time feudal serfs willingly surrendered their freedom because of threats from hostile predators, e.g. Vikings, Huns, Mongols, etc.
The only difference is that in modern times, the threats are engineered by the same overlords whom the population believes is projecting them. Out of fear from these false-flag risks both real and imagined, the masses remain hopelessly shackled to the predatory tyrants.
Likewise, the ruling class commissions and finances both sides of every military conflict.
The never-ending cycle of wars and other crises are nothing more than false-flag psyops designed to maintain fear and abject state dependency.
The ultimate objective of the ruling-class sociopaths is totalitarian one-world government, digital enslavement of the world's population, and depopulation, which is a euphemism for democide or mass murder.
You might be wondering: how do I make this sweeping indictment of modern states with such conviction? Isn't this just a "conspiracy theory?"
Sadly, conspiracy is no longer theoretical. It's an observable phenomenon.
This reality became blatantly obvious in 2020 when all states pushed the same fictional scamdemic narrative and enforced the same dystopian policies, including supposedly sworn enemies like Israel and Iran et al.
Nearly all modern states worked in concert to force-inject their populations with a diabolical bioweapon, a concoction of nanobots and lethal poison.
All modern states are cooperating with the agenda to subject their populations to 24/7 digital surveillance.
All states are endorsing the same scientifically unsubstantiated narratives such as "climate change" and "overpopulation."
Modern states' commitment to "depopulate" means they have declared war on their populations.
In conclusion, the state is not the people. The state is the .001% cabal of the world's wealthiest, the depopulationist ruling class. Every state is. Consequently, every state is illegitimate, including the so-called Jewish State.
Of course, this state isn’t actually Jewish. China isn’t really Chinese, nor is the US really American. They're all assets of the same clan.
In truth, the nominally-Jewish state is utterly anti-Jewish and has been waging a democidal war against its Jewish population since its inception. Similarly, China is doing the same to the Chinese, and the US to the Americans, like all other modern states.
This reality didn't materialize overnight. It's festered gradually for generations and even centuries, like a slow-moving cancer. The conspiracy predates the onset of the modern era, well before Zionists began clamoring for a "Jewish" state.
Once you grasp this sobering reality, it's much easier to see through the facade of Zionism, Anti-Zionism, and the supposedly intractable "Israeli-Arab" conflict, as you'll discover in the following chapters.
[1] Expression used by Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863. This quote cynically appears on the first page of the US Passport which constitutes a grave infringement of the free movement and autonomy of US citizens.
[2] See Rambam's Mishneh Torah, Laws of Robbery 5:18, Tur and Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat 369:2. Shulchan Aruch Harav Choshen Mishpat Laws of Robbery and Theft siman 19. Concerning the US dollar, see image in footnote 5 below.
[3] See photo below. The “covid pandemic” was clearly a worldwide conspiracy in which states and political entities who are seemingly hostile enemies all walked in lockstep:
Photo: even though it's touted as “legal tender” by the US government, the dollar is not lawful minted currency according to Torah standards since it’s nothing more than a promissory note to private bankers ever since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.This is in addition to the fact that the dollar — like all “fiat currencies” — has no actual or inherent value ever since the gold standard was abandoned. The ruling-class private bankers who in effect monetize the dollar happen to belong to an exclusive antinomian cult.
Hence their pagan seal depicting the polytheistic “Eye of Horus” along with a banner proclaiming Novus ordo seclorum which is the equivalent of “New World Order.” This will be discussed in a later chapter.
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"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin
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