20 March 2025

Reb Neuberger: Vayakhel - Parah Adumah



What is the first word in the Parsha?


“V’yakhel …. Assemble!”


“Moshe assembled the entire assembly of the Children of Israel ….”


My friends, how do we build the Mishkan?


In order to build the holy and perfect world of Torah, we need to “assemble”! The root of the word “v’yakhel” is “kehilla,” a cohesive entity believing in and living for the same holy cause. And what is the cause?


We are the earthly representatives of the King of the Universe!


As impossible as it may sound, we not only are able to build the perfect world of Torah, but we are surely going to do it!


Last week, I spoke to a group in Monsey, New York about the theme of “Doing the Impossible!”


Is it impossible for the Jews to be united?


Is it impossible to overcome our foolish bickering and sinas chinom?


Is it impossible for us to live in an ideal world of Torah in a peaceful land called Eretz Yisroel?


Is it impossible?


Not only is it possible, but it is certain that we will attain all those goals!


That is exactly our specialty: living the impossible!


The greatest example is our very existence. How is it possible that a nation whose entire world was destroyed two thousand years ago, who were scattered to the four corners of the earth, can still exist today as a discrete entity recognized not only by each other but by the entire world? It’s impossible, right?


But here we are! And the very fact that almost the entire world hates us is the best proof of our oneness! It’s impossible … but it’s true!


In this parsha, we meet a person who is beyond extraordinary. His name is Betzalel. We also meet Oholiav. Who were they? I submit to you that they were Jews like you and me. They loved Hashem so much and they kept His Torah with such devotion that they merited to build the Mishkan with their own hands! They “brought” the Shechina to this world!


Can we aspire to this? Yes! Every one of us can be like Betzalel and Oholiav, each using our G-d-given talents to serve the Creator with all our heart.


And talk about “assembling the Jews.” Listen to this:


“There is no tribe greater than Yehuda and no tribe lesser than Dan. Said Hakadosh Baruch Hu, ‘Let [Dan] come and join [Yehuda] so that he will not be despised and so that no person will become haughty, for great and small are equal before Hashem.’ Betzalel was from Yehuda and Oholiav was from Dan ….!” (Shemos Rabbah 40:4)


The Mishkan was built because all Israel were united!


This week we read Parshas Parah, in which the Torah reveals the mitzvah of Parah Adumah, by which we are able to cleanse ourselves from the tumah of death.


We can overcome death itself! Remember what we sing after the Seder? “Hashem Himself then came and slew the Angel of Death!” (Chad Gadya) Hashem is beyond death, beyond everything physical, and so can we become!


Why do we read Parshas Parah on the Shabbos after Purim?


Yes, we are approaching Pesach, when every Yid had to be tahor to bring the Korban Pesach. But I would suggest another reason: we have just read Megillas Esther, in which Esther ha Malka said to Mordechai, “Assemble all the Jews,” which means that, on Purim, we have come together in order to sanctify Hashem’s Name and thereby save ourselves from our enemies, who have power over us only when we are splintered from each other. But when we are united, “k’ish echad b’lev echad … like one man with one heart,” there is no power on earth which can prevent us from fulfilling our mission in peace and strength. When we are united, we become elevated above the physical limitations of this world, above death itself!


We all know that this is not only possible, but it is certain! When we attain that level, no earthly force has power over us and Hashem will protect us from all our enemies.


“Whoever sits in the refuge of the Most High, he shall dwell in the shadow of the Almighty … Then [Hashem] will deliver you from the ensnaring trap and devastating pestilence …. Beneath His wings you will be protected…. You will not be afraid of the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in gloom, nor the destroyer who lays waste at noon…. No evil will befall you nor will any plague come near your tent…. With long life I will satisfy him and he will know My salvation.” (Tehillim 91)


May we see it soon in our days!


Red Cow/Parah Adumah



Esther ha Malka: Queen Esther, in the Megillah read on Purim

Hakadosh Baruch Hu: G-d, Blessed is He

Mishkan: Tabernacle in the Desert

Parah Adumah: the red cow whose ashes purity a person, according to the Torah

Parsha: Torah portion

Sinas chinom: unwarranted hatred between Jew and Jew

Tumah: impurity


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