23 March 2025

ESSER AGAROTH: Why Did This Israeli Soldier Resign from IDF Service? חייל צה״ל הפסיק שירות בגלל מה?

Why Did This Israeli Soldier Resign from IDF Service?

חייל צה״ל הפסיק שירות בגלל מה?

ערב שבת קודש פר׳ ויקהל / פרה תשפ״ה

YNET: "נשברתי": הנווט הודיע שלא יתייצב - והודח לצמיתות מחיל האוויר  

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Arutz 7: IDF dismisses reserve combat navigator who refuses to serve

IDF announces termination of service of a combat navigator after he refused to serve due to government policy.

Israel National News, Mar 18, 2025

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Tuesday that the service of a reserve combat navigator in the Air Force has been permanently terminated, after he announced that he refuses to serve.

The 43-year-old navigator, who is married and has three children, has served in active reserves for sixteen years, and for the past five years has headed a leadership center and a pre-military preparatory program (mechina).

In a statement he released today, he wrote that throughout his service, he served under many governments that he did not vote for, but he always had confidence in the system and the security considerations.

He added that since October 7th, he continued to serve without hesitation out of a sense of mission.

However, today he informed his squadron commander that he could not continue, noting: "This morning I broke down. At a point when the state is once again abandoning its citizens knowingly and in broad daylight, at a point where cynical and cold political considerations outweigh all other considerations, at a point where human life has lost its value, at a point where a government attacks its gatekeepers in every possible way, at a point where the king has become more important than the kingdom – no more."

Following his announcement, the IDF announced the immediate and permanent termination of his service.

Esser Agaroth(2¢):
Most all of the pre-IDF Mechinah programs are indoctrination centers which are to strengthen religious soldiers loyalty to the State that began in Kindergarten. When I was teaching, I did what I could to steer students away fromMechinot. Other teachers joined me, as we were at a [now defunct] somewhat indenpendent, Torani yeshiva high school. Rabin memorial education materials received went directly into the trash, the rosh yeshiva and faculty supported soldiers refusing orders to throw Jews out of their homes, etc.

The Hesder Yeshivah program was the preferred option at the time to encourage students to join. It seemed that MK Elazar Stern, former IDF Personnel Chief, worked to dismantle this program. Stern was also one of those running logistics for then Prime Minister Sharon'sDisengagement PlanExpulsion of Jews from Gaza in 2005/תשס״ה.

Themamlakhti concept of diehard loyalism to the State in the extreme, must be brought to light. Jews must eventually wake up and realize that you can be a Torah loyalist OR a State loyalist, and not both. Every time I believe that the conflicts between the two have become even more obvious, some other sort of programming -- like a convenient war -- comes into play to keep control over the masses.

Does anyone have any idea what this soldier is talking about here?

"...when the state is once again abandoning its citizens knowingly and in broad daylight, at a point where cynical and cold political considerations outweigh all other considerations, at a point where human life has lost its value..."

  • Is he upset because he believes the hostages are being abandoned?
  • Is he upset because he has finally realized that the government has been doing a half-hearted job protecting its citizens, preferring to kowtow to the U. S. and other nations?
  • Is he upset because he has finally realized that his fellow IDF soldiers are being sacrificed needlessly?

Am I the only one who cannot understandArutz 7's poorly presented articles? Well, in this case, I must admit that the Hebrew is also ambiguous. It was suggested that this vagueness is purposeful. I agree.

This soldier, Alon Gur, is presumably religious, so he should know thatpidyon shvuin (redemption of the captive) is not performed if the price is too high. The Gilad Shalit deal opened the flood gates, as we all knew it would.

At first, I was pleasantly surprised to hear about aMechinahadministrator, who "continued to serve without hesitation," breaking through his programming, in order to say"no more."

Maybe the Kaplan Group or Barak's people got to him. Who knows? ...not that I am supported of Netanyahu or anything. I was just wondering how significant this soldiers resignation was.

I guess we shall soon see.

In the meantime it is important to emphasize that Alon Gur's consequences are nothing compared to what soldiers who, in 2005 refused to throw Jews out of their homes in Gaza. Granted those soldiers were in compulsory service. Nevertheless…

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