25 March 2025

The Events of THAT YEAR Will Not be Forgotten……

The C Vaxine Carnage Continues 
Destroying lives, families, communities
There are many crucial lessons to be learned, and oblivion prevents learning, enabling a repeat scenario. Therefore, I share this tragic collection, with apologies to some victims who may suffer pain from my pointing out what has happened.
I received this report today (March 24, 2025) from a Brooklyn resident. Are you noticing what he is? Please see reactions underneath and share your own observations in the comments.
“Since my father got the covid vaccine in 2021, he has started losing his memory and recently started having excessive fatigue and tremors, and he falls asleep speaking with people. We got an MRI this past week, shows up as general brain atrophy. The neurologist we spoke to today said his poor balance comes from a seizure that happened over the last few years. My father fainted a few times. 
I was against the vaccine, as was my mother. My father’s entire chaburah (Torah study group) (Flatbush) got the vaccine, 💉 when he got it, he told us not to ask any questions.
The Daf Yomi chaburah started off as 25 members. Now it’s less than 12. Strokes, cancer etc. Some passed away.
Both Shuls my father davens in lost many members, and everyone has health challenges. Most people are in their 60s.
Many people had aggressive forms of cancer, pancreatic etc.
Not sure if anyone else is making this connection.
Also, all my father’s siblings had the vaccine.
All of them had some sort of autoimmune response. 
I sent that around on WhatsApp groups and got responses:
“I am hearing of so many girls in their 30s (and older) with breast cancer. So many ppl with cancer…”
“Hello, my parents have both been vaccinated, back in the beginning when pressured by their respective doctors.....
My mother has had medical issues for the past 2 1/2 years..... took 6 weeks and 7 doctors to send her emergency to the hospital on a Friday. She was on 8 IV bags when I saw her Saturday night. Her first surgery was that night with 6 different teams being involved. The head trauma surgeon said she has never seen anything like this in her entire career!!!! She ended up with 3 more surgeries over the next 10 days, spent 3 months in rehab, then another surgery, and multiple complications, multiple ER visits, and countless hospital stays... she requires medical care daily, and requires assistance for everything, and can never be left alone. She will be going for another surgery shortly and it doesn't look like it will ever end honestly. 
My father has memory issues for past 2 1/2 years as well, slowly getting worse, went for about 10 tests and he has frontal brain issues that will continue..... (my father's father lived till 98 with 100% cognitive function and living independently, and his mother lived till 96) so for my father to have these types of issues at 75 y.o. is really not expected. 
I'm 100% certain without a doubt that their issues are from those shots.....”
“So sorry to hear this.
“No one talks in my large community but there are unusual deaths- recently a baby, a young woman in her 20s died from asthma, a 91 year old man who really could have lived quite a bit longer died in hospital....”
Reminds me of something I published in November 2022:
A lady in NJ that I’m in touch with (we’ll call her Miriam), sent me the following messages a few days ago:
Went to a funeral today, for my cousin 
Thats my fourth family member to die from vax related stuff
And another four have cancer currently or just finished treatment
All high 60s -early 70's
Me: They all got the shots?
I asked Miriam if I could include her family’s tragic story in my article, so she sent me the details in voice notes, which I transcribed:
•One of my uncles, (he was vaxxed but I don’t know when), they found him dead on his bathroom floor.
•Another one of my uncles had been very sick with cancer, but then he was doing markedly better. Once ge was doing better, his oncologist decided to vax him. Within a few weeks, everything turned around, and he crashed and burned and died very quickly.
•My aunt, after her 3rd shot, developed a lymphoma.
•One of my father’s first cousins has that chronic leukemia now; she’ll say straight out herself that it’s from the vaccine. I don’t remember if she took 2 or 3.
•Another one of my father’s cousins had a family history of pancreatic cancer, but he never got cancer. But then he was vaxxed, and within a few weeks had it. I feel like it exploits the weaknesses that are already there. And then people say, oh, he had a family history of cancer. But no, he didn’t have it yet, and he was probably older than the rest of his relatives were when they got the cancer. As soon as he was vaxxed, he got the cancer. He died.
•Then, another one of my father’s first cousins, from the other side, where they have a lot of history of female cancers, I think she maybe had breast cancer when she was younger. Now she’s 70ish, lives in Israel, I don’t know how many shots she’s gotten. She was just diagnosed with cancer ALL over her body.
•Another one of my father’s first cousins from that same side, a male, I don’t know what type he has. Some type of blood cancer; he just finished treatment.
•My mother doesn’t want to make people feel guilty by saying “it was the shots”, but whenever she talks to them, she begs them it to take any more shots. They say “Oh no! We’re not putting anything else in our bodies now.”
•And then, there’s the one who just passed away; he had cancer about 5 years ago. He was totally fine. He had covid and was fine. Then his doctor told him to get the vaccine. He got at least 2 shots, and then soon after, they found some kind of growth, which already had spread to his lymph nodes. It was already pretty bad when they found it.
The last 2 months he’s been hospitalized - not even treating the cancer. His body kept getting crazy infections that he could not fight. So they were busy trying to stabilize him, in order to continue the chemo, but they were never able to stabilize him. His original cancer was kidney cancer, and his other kidney had already stopped functioning a few weeks ago.
His kids say it was the shot. They didn’t want him taking it.
Am I able to prove without a shadow of doubt that that ALL thesepeople died because of the vaxx? No, but to have 8 relatives (all in the same age bracket) pass away or get cancer in 1 year CANNOTbe a coincidence; it is not possible.
Many more stories in my heartbreaking interview in 2022 with a hospital doctor:
Please share your personal observations in the comments.

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