20 March 2025

Rabbi Weissman: Citizen Journalism Versus the Fake Media

 Citizen Journalism Versus the Fake Media

Plus bald-faced lies about measles from Hatzoloh of Rockland County

I always start with the Torah classes, because that’s the most important material, even though most people aren’t interested in that. It’s a shame.

Chazal said that a son brings merit to his father, but a father does not bring merit to his son.

This seems to contradict the concept of zechus avos.

We explored the original source and some interesting related sources from this week’s parsha to clarify the matter, with some sharp comments about “Jewish” therapists (though there are probably a couple of good ones out there, just as there are probably a couple of good shadchanim out there).

This week’s Torah class, “Stop Blaming Your Parents”, is available here.

Interesting insight from the proprietor of an import company:

Shipping and logistics are complicated businesses. Just as the hostage campaign cannot be a grassroots initiative, so too the import of “aid” to Gaza. I have read that during the aftermath of the ceasefire and during the war, up to 900 trailers of merchandise shipped into Gaza from Israel. I would value this quantity of merchandise at $45,000,000/ day. To coordinate 900 trucks per day from multiple wholesalers/ manufacturers is very complicated with an extensive paper trail. There would need to be 900 truck drivers who had explicit pickups, destinations, gate times and so on — not to mention a border crossing into a military zone. The idea that Hamas raids spontaneous drop points in some city square where peasants are waiting for food is laughable and just plain theater.

Also — to supply this amount of quantity, it would need to be planned quite meticulously, and in advance. Example — to supply 100 trucks of hummus for a month, the hummus manufacturer would need to have orders for massive amounts of chickpeas in advance to fulfill demand. Manufacturers would only do so with a purchase order in advance from a customer they knew would be good to pay them.

Being that there were so many companies, truckers and others involved, it is surprising that no one has come forward. I would expect there to be a paper trail of manifests, bill of ladings and purchase orders for this quantity of merchandise.

The bottom line is, the elite made millions and sold out the Israeli public.

My thoughts on why no one has blown this wide open:

People sometimes challenge me with the argument that if such-and-such was really a conspiracy, many people would have to be in on it and some of them would blow the whistle.

There are several problems with this:

1. The vast majority of people are just doing a relatively small job, and are not privy to the bigger picture. The few who are privy to at least some elements the bigger picture are compensated well and know enough to keep their mouths shut. They’re dealing with the largest mafia around and they know it.

2. Those who are willing to blow the whistle will almost inevitably do so anonymously, and not for a mainstream media outlet, because a mainstream media outlet is highly unlikely to cover the story, and cannot be trusted to cover for them. So if they say anything at all, it will be in an anonymous social media post, which few will take seriously. At best, they would be risking everything to share a message that will be mocked and dismissed by the vast majority of people, and which will lead to no meaningful action.

Would you be willing to die for that, or would you shut your mouth, too?

I remember when Hatzoloh existed for one reason and one reason only: to respond super fast to medical emergencies. Hatzoloh has no business promoting medical procedures of any kind.

Who’s getting compensated?

A Chasidic woman with a large email list of her own made the following astute comments, which cut right through the BS:

“1 in 5 with measles end up in the hospital” — Wow, so, there were 2000 heimishe kids in hospital in the previous (official) measles outbreak, in 2018?... (where 10,000 had the measles — although a little over 1000 went to check it out at their doctor)

“3 in a thousand won’t make it” — So, what are the names of the 30 kids that died in the NY/NJ region in 2018 — we want to do z”chisim, l”ilui nishmas....

The rest (of the lies-propaganda), I will let the audience decide, if they believe such shakronim, who are not ashamed to say such open DUMB lies, that a 7 year old can see.

For more on this Erev Rav-controlled organization, see this important article, “What’s going on with Hatzalah?

Source is here.

You mean a hospital would intentionally mistreat someone so they would die, as part of a campaign to spread panic about a disease and push vaccines?

Why do I tend to believe this?

Can we get some insight on this from Aaron Glatt, who seems to have experience in such matters?

For the record, I never claimed that vaccines would turn people into monkeys, and they clearly don’t. Monkeys have much better instincts.

Remember those exciting news reports weeks ago about your savior Trump shutting down USAID? Once again, joke's on you. A reader did some citizen journalism — pretty much the only real journalism that still exists — and recorded a visit to a USAID office in Trade Tower, Tel Aviv, which is still up and running like usual.

As he noted:

All that breathless reporting about shutting it down is just a pack of lies. Run by Amalekites trying to destroy us. Since Bibi could shut down this office in an instant, the fact that he doesn't means he wants the conflict they promote...A lot of what is going on vis a vis Trump is just smoke and mirrors and hand-waving. USAID is just doing here what it does everywhere else, which is fomenting color revolutions. Here they call them the Kaplan protests. But Bibi is complicit in those protests, because it encourages the useful idiots to circle the wagons around him.

He’s totally right. This is just another example of our internal enemies, dressed as protectors, collaborating with our external enemies, while they disarm us through the media they control and orchestrated fake protests.

One of the best ways to drum up public support for fake right-wing leaders to send Jewish soldiers back into Gazan death traps for nothing is to stage massive protests against it by fake left-wing leaders. Works like a charm every time.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin

Kol Koreh of America

  this is for American frum Jews. seems there is a dichotomy between the US and Israeli frum Jews KOL KOREH: Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah Of Amer...