Hostage Reality TV, Kefira, and False Messiahs: A Joint Production
And Trump is tight with Pfizer's Bourla
More outright kefira from the Erev Rav/Amalek regime, dutifully broadcast through their controlled “religious” media.
Seriously, why don’t they just make a golden statue of the man and bow down to it already?
Not to be outdone, one Arutz Sheva reader, who is surely yeshiva educated, posted the following comment:
Because geula is really just galus with an American president that gives you permission to do things. That’s what we’ve been waiting for and davening for all this time.
But that’s nothing compared to the plaque the Erev Rav regime sent along for this staged production through their Bring Them Home Now psy-op:
Isn’t it inspiring when people who don’t follow Torah law, hate Torah-observant Jews, and don’t even believe in the Torah hijack phrases from the Torah for their propaganda campaigns? Aren’t we proud that people like this represent Judaism and the Torah to the world?
Notice how the deep state kofrim at Bring Them Home Now deliberately misquoted and mistranslated the source. The plaque reads as follows, with their silly English typo corrected:
כל המציל נפש אחת - כאילו הציל עולם ומלואו
Whoever saves one life saves the entire world.
If saving one life is saving the world, it makes sense to sacrifice 20,000 IDF soldiers, or an entire nation, or the entire world itself to save a hostage. As Bring Them Home Now routinely guilt-trips the masses on their disgusting billboards, what if it was your father or son? Wouldn’t you want thousands and soldiers to be maimed and killed, and thousands of genocidal terrorists let loose, to save them? Of course you would. So if you won’t march with us, at least be quiet and stay out of the way.
If saving one life is saving the world, it makes sense to force everyone to suffocate themselves with masks, and take unsafe and ineffective poison shots, and close down shuls, yeshivas, and normal life, and prevent the masses from receiving critical medical care during lockdowns, and destroy small businesses, and break up families, and turn people against each other — because it’s all worth it if it saves a single life.
If saving one life is saving the world, the entire Amalekite globalist agenda makes perfect sense.
You’re really saving the world, even if it means destroying many worlds. Don’t worry about the math; it adds up. The certified experts say so.
The actual Torah source is very different. It comes from a Mishna in Sanhedrin 37A, which outlines how those who came to testify before the Sanhedrin on capital cases would be warned by the judges about the severity of the matter. Part of this warning went as follows:
לפיכך נברא אדם יחידי, ללמדך שכל המאבד נפש אחת מישראל, מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו איבד עולם מלא, וכל המקיים נפש אחת מישראל, מעלה עליו הכתוב כאלו קיים עולם מלא
Therefore Adam was created alone, to teach you that anyone who destroys a single life from Israel is considered by the Scripture as if he destroyed a full world, and anyone who preserves a single life from Israel is considered by Scripture as if he preserved a full world.
The Erev Rav who hijack the Torah made some very significant distortions:
- They omitted the first part of the source, that destroying a single life from Israel is tantamount to destroying a full world. This carefully balances out the second part of the source, about preserving a life. We do not rationalize saving a world by destroying a world, let alone many worlds. The first part of the source throws the entire Amalek/Erev Rav agenda right out the window; that’s why they chop it off.
- The source states that saving a life is as if one saved a full world. It’s a simile, not a metaphor. Once again, this is incompatible with their agenda, so they changed it.
- The source states that saving a life is as if one saved a full world, not the entire world. This is because a world full of people can (and did) come from one person. However, saving a life is not saving the entire world itself, so, once again, destroying or jeopardizing many lives to save a single life — the mantra of Bring Them Home Now and the Erev Rav regime that sponsors them — is not supported.
- The source specifically refers to saving lives from Israel. The Erev Rav are at war with the very idea of the Jewish exceptionalism. They wish to be a nation just like any other nation (as if all nations are homogeneous and other religions consider themselves no better or worse than the alternatives). Of course, this denies the entire Torah and the very reason for the Jewish people existing in the first place.
So the Erev Rav deliberately altered the source to make it humanistic. Saving any life is saving an entire world. A proper Jew wouldn’t even prioritize saving the life of a fellow Jew, because Judaism has no intrinsic value. That’s the message from Bring Them Home Now.
(Jew-hating gentiles, who are no more intellectually honest than the Erev Rav, might get excited by this potential fodder for their blood libels. They should settle down. Judaism does indeed value the lives of gentiles — far more than other religions value Jewish lives, which doesn’t offend anyone — and we have an obligation to assist and rescue gentiles as well, because this is the way of a peaceful, harmonious world.)
By the way, Yad Vashem, a fake-Jewish museum sponsored largely by the German government and their Erev Rav collaborators to hijack the narrative, distorts the same Torah source in exactly the same way:
(For more on the Zionist alliance with Nazi Germany before, during, and after the war, see this interview I did with the author of In Jewish Blood. Don’t think anything has changed.)
Brainwashed devil’s advocates will rationalize that we have to distort the Torah to send a nice humanistic message to the world so they will continue to support us and save us, because brainwashed devil’s advocates are kofrim and are advocating for the devil. Even if they are yeshiva educated.
Serious Torah-minded Jews will see what is going on here, take it very seriously, and speak up about it. It’s not about pleasing the nations of the world. It’s about destroying the Jewish people from within.
Then there’s this:
In this week’s episode of Hostage Reality TV, another smiling, chipper girl gets freed from 16 months in hell and immediately becomes a script-reading spokesman for the Bring Them Home Now psy-op. The script-writing and acting are terrible, but the audience is vacuous and keeps coming back for more.
If celebrity hostage grand touring was an Olympic sport, Israel would take the gold, hands down.
And here’s the good part of Esav, the Messiah himself, who just got bad advice about those shots he brought at warp speed and is going to save us all if only we believe in him, like J-man himself.
Trump Introducing Pfizer CEO Sparks Loud Booing Inside White House
On Thursday, while speaking to the reception being hosted in the White House's East Room for the Black History Month event, Trump said: "We also have the head of Pfizer here so I want to thank him, one of the great people, one of the great businessmen, thank you Albert, thank you."
This evoked a loud chorus of boos from the audience, which made the president chuckle…
…Pfizer CEO Bourla also made headlines earlier this month when he revealed the details of his secret dinner with Trump's new health secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Daily Mail reported.
Per the outlet, he revealed to stakeholders in early February that the meeting took place in December, a few weeks after RFK Jr was nominated for the role of health secretary in Trump's government.
See it yourself:
He’s definitely not a swamp actor pushing the globalist agenda. He’s playing 4D chess, and will bring them all down. Any day now.
Don’t forget to thank him.
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