09 March 2025

HaRav Zilberstein Tearfuly Recites Shechiyanu …...


HaRav Zilberstein Tearfuly Recites Shechiyanu On New Tallis Over Release Of Sasha Troufanov

Since Lena Troufanov and her mother were released from captivity in November 2023, they met many times with HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein who was mechazeik them and cried with them over Lena’s only child Sasha, who was being held hostage in Gaza.

Sasha’s kallah, Sapir Cohen, also accompanied them to some of their meetings with HaRav Zilberstein and other Gedolim. All three women, Lena, her mother, and Sapir, became Shomer Shabbos after their release.

B’Chasdei Hashem, Sasha was released last month. Recently, he went to meet HaRav Zilberstein, accompanied by his mother, Sapir, and Sapir’s parents, Eliyahu and Ziva Cohen.

HaRav Zilberstein has said several times in the past that he purchased a new tallis in order to recite the bracha of Shechiyanu when meeting released hostages. The Rav paskened that in order to recite the bracha with Shem and Malchus, one should recite Shechiyanu on a new beged and have in mind his simcha on seeing the released hostage.

Also present at the meeting was HaRav Dovid Druck, the head of the Kissufim organization, and Chareidi publicist Yisrael Cohen.

After reciting Shechiyanu, HaRav Zilberstein turned to Sasha and said: “You will alway be a symbol for the Jewish nation…You were held by wild animals, perei adam. It’s a neis that you’re alive. And you have to understand that this obligates you. The first thing you should work on is to be Shomer Shabbos – no driving or lighting fire or lights. For now, just these two things.”

HaRav Zilberstein elaborated on the advantages of Shemiras Shabbos and the tranquility and simcha a family experiences when keeping Shabbos. HaRav Zilberstein added: “Remember that only Hashem protected you. No one protected you except Him.”

Sasha replied: “I agree with the Rav. That it’s most important to remember that ultimately I’m here only in the zechus of Hashem.”

HaRav Zilberstein said: “I’ve been davening here for you for almost 500 days…”

Sasha: “Thank you, Kavod HaRav”

HaRav Zilberstein: “No, no. I don’t want you to thank me. I want you to thank Hashem.”

HaRav Zilberstein’s children and grandchildren were called in to complete a minyan in order for Sasha to recite HaGomel, which he had specifically requested to say in the presence of HaRav Zilberstein.

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