03 August 2024


If the events weren't actually happening one could think it was perhaps the imagination of a talented novelist.

On October 7, thousands of bloodthirsty Jews hating monsters invaded Israel. After baking our children alive, beheading them and other unspeakable horrors, a large number of "Nukhba '' terrorists were apprehended and are in prisons awaiting " due process and justice".
Despite the proud assurances of our military and security leaders, these monsters succeeded easily to penetrate our highly touted "Maginot line" and butcher our people for an entire day before any help arrived. This how the story opens, itself the stuff of a farfetched novel)

A really good story would have to provide a credible background to otherwise unbelievable events. There is plenty of background indeed. It would have to examine the social class of self-important, "progressive "elites in the military and other, anti-Jewish circles of Israel society that sowed and cultivated the seeds that gave us the worst day since the Holocaust.
Who are these Israelis in high positions that bring destruction upon the Jewish state? It has always been the same ones.

It was the Jewish Hellenists who sided with the Greeks at the time of Chanukah.
It was the apostate Roman general Julius Alexander, who led the forces against Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple.
It was apostate Jews who pointed out Jews for torture at the hands of the Inquisition in Spain.
It was Jews in Eretz Yisrael (Hashomer) who handed over Jews (NILI) to be hanged by the Turks.
It was Jews in Eretz Yisroel (the Haganah) who handed their brothers (Irgun and Lechi) over to be hanged by the British.
It was the same Jews who murdered Jews in the waters off Tel Aviv (Altalena)
It was Jewish Communists who persecuted Jews in the Soviet Union
it was some Kapos who lorded over, and tortured Jews more than the Germans did in the Nazi ghettos.
It was the Jewish advisors to FDR who stood between him and Jews who pleaded for their brothers in the Holocaust.
It was the publishers of the NY Times who hid the Holocaust from its readers.
It was Jews (Rabin, Peres) in Israel who invited our arch enemy< Yassar Arafat into our land and opened the gates to the continuing flood of Jewish blood
It was the same Jews (Ehud Barak) who allowed the Hizbullah to dig in along our border after ceding land to them
It was the same Jews (Ariel Sharon) who enabled and emboldened Hamas by expelling the Jewish communities in Gush Katif and giving Hamas free reign to build up for its current war.
It was the same Jews who threatened not to defend the country if they don't get their way
It's the same Jews who broke up Yom Kippur prayers in Tel Aviv.
It's the same Jews who proudly accompanied Gaza Arabs (who later repaid their kindness on October 7) for treatment in Israeli hospitals and at the same time applauded the expulsion and suffering of other Jews from Gush Katif
It's the same Jews who are concerned today with the comforts of the Nukhba monsters in our prisons. Is there enough personal space? If not, they are released back into Gaza. Are they getting enough food? Are they being treated with due respect and care?
Its  the same Jews in the IDF prosecutors' office who accused Israeli soldiers of "murdering" Nukhba monsters on Oct October 7!

A particularly evil Nukhba officer who attacked Israeli guards later complained they abused him. These men left families and jobs for reserve duty to guard our very worst and despicable enemies. Why are the monsters alive and fed?  That is immoral. They should have been executed as soon as they were captured. They don't have the status of enemy soldier, and they are not common criminals. Each one is no better than the worst sadist Nazi caught in the act of killing Jews. And we are concerned with their comfort?
To corroborate what this Nukhba monster was accusing our boys of, the IDF chief prosecutor contacted terrorist monsters who had been released back into Gaza to seek testimony against our soldiers.
Masked military police swooped down on a dozen of the Israeli guards and brutally arrested them as the terrorists looked on in glee. Their interrogator told them that in his eyes they were worse than the Nukhba terrorists. 

When word of this got out, large crowds of Jews demonstrated outside the prison where the Jewish guards were being incarcerated. Someone referred to this as the storming of the Bastille. The all-powerful elites who brought us to October 7 were shocked that the know nothing masses would dare make their voices heard in such a way.
It has been said that those who do not fight evil hate those who do.
The lines are clearly drawn., as they follow a pattern throughout our history. You will always find one kind of Jew on one side and a very different kind on the other.
Historically only one side survived, though traces of them always appear in every generation as we see today.

The anti-Jewish Jews become ugly footnote to a glorious history.
So it has been. So, it will be with God's help

. Author, "Jews, Israelis and Arabs"


Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT! THIS SHOULD BE PULBLISHED IN EVERY JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN ISRAEL AND THE REST OF THE WORLD! BUT, we know that the stinking, rotten, duplicitous media wouldn't allow such a TRUTHFUL EXPOSURE of the evils that exists now and have for a long time, but is first being exposed little by little now.
Thank you, Mr. Pollack, a very big Yasher Koach!
But, even moreso, we must give a reason and a true one why has this been going on for millenia by so-called Jews. THE REASON, WE KNOW, BECAUSE THE TORAH TELLS US THAT YOUR WORST ENEMIES WILL COME FROM WITHIN YOUR MIDST. WHO ARE THESE LOW LIVES? THEY ARE THE EREV RAV!!! Some are descendants from the mixed multitude itself and most likely, the greater portion are the 'REINCARNATIONS of these false converts that joined the Jewish nation at the time of yetziat Mitzrayim in order to eradicate the Jews, chas v'chalilah, and deJudaize our holy Torah, c'v, and stop the coming of our upcoming Redemption which no human being can ever stop.
These low lives are worse than our outside mortal enemies. Chazal teach us that at the end of days (where we are at now) they will be at their worst occupying positions of great power and wealth.
B'H, there is now EXPOSURE of these monsters.
The Bnai Yisrael must rise up against them and undo them once and for all. Maybe, hopefully, it will be Moshiach (MBY) together with all the 'real and true' Jews who will stand up and bring these wicked ones down forever.

Eli B said...

It's the 'Woody Allen' state of Israel with the 'Woody Allen' prime minister and other 'Woody Allen' leaders.

Anonymous said...

Yasher Koach to Reb Pollack, to Neshama and to Anon comments.
As the FULL MAGNITUDE of betrayal and manipulation of Jewish people by "Elite" comes in focus, I started thinking (and I think it is important to know)
1. How long it has been going on ? It must have started before "Ytziat Mizraim" ? When did it started ?
2. Was there a time before when their evil was fully exposed and clear to Jewish people ?


Neshama said...

Victoria, Yaakov’s grandchildren that merited to leave Mitzrayim were morally pure. (Reb Saidel explained) The mitzriim that were attracted to them IN Egypt went to Pharoah and asked what to do, and Pharoah said to go to Yosef and do what he says. He gave them bris milah, and they became attached to Yaakov’s children. When they left Mitzrayim they were the mixed multitude. By the time they got to Har Sinai they became the Erev Rav and were the instigators for the golden calf. And they were the main troublers for the rest of the journey. It seems afterwards, after many were eliminated there was a remnant that intermatyied into the Israelites and after that it was really part of Am Yisrael. All thru history To this day we have the Erev Rav causing immense trouble.
The Vilna Gaon wrote about them being our main trouble at the end of days. You can search his writings.

But know that the pure line of the descendants of Ya’akov Avinu are pure. This accounts for all those who were eliminated and then after HaShem calls for a census.

Those Erev Rav today are, as explained, the leaders of the Jews, the ones leading us into terrible situations. And are th3 ones who are trying to depopulate us within Am Yisrael. Think covid for example! And all the evil ways that Rabbi W has enlightened us about. The enemy within.

Neshama said...

Woody Allen is a joke, where have you been. Read up on Rabbi Weissman!

Neshama said...

VICTORIA WE NEED A LINK TO conversation of Moshe Fabrikant with General Itzhak Brik.
Don’t think it was 7 days ago?

Eli B said...

I do follow Rabbi Weissman. Woody Allen made a career out of portraying the typical nebach, weak, self-hating galut Jew. The State of Israel was set up to be the opposite of this image, proud, tough, 'don't mess with us' has reverted right back to the pitiful profile.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, forgot the most important part, the link to
conversation of Moshe Fabrikant with General Itzhak Brik.

It has only 37K views, should be millions viewers.
There is an option to set-up auto-translate to English


Neshama said...

Thank you Victoria, but there's no option for English on my screen. Most Ivrit videos DO NOT give an English option. I'll have to wait until Gavriela listens to it and relates it back to us on Reb Dov's blog.

Anonymous said...

Neshama, first you click on CC option on the bottom, after You click Settings icon near CC and scroll down Subtitles, Hebrew - auto generated and You'll get a list of languages, scroll down to English. Hope it will work for you. Victoria

Neshama said...

Thank you so much Victoria. I kept trying to find the English.
Now i'm getting dizzy from trying to read the subtitles and understand what they are really saying. Enough, can't do any more. However I did see that there is a more recent video, just a day ago.
Here’s another more recent interview with Brik
I cannot handle the subtitles.

Anonymous said...

that is not a new video, it is just a small part taken from the beginning of the long interview. Sorry about subtitles

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Ki Tavo

Parshas Ki Savo: Walking in the Ways of Hashem - Inspiring Awe In the Nations of the World