16 August 2024


 By Shalom Pollack

To my fellow Jews in these trying times,


Today, exactly nineteen years ago, on the tenth of Av, thousands of Jews were brutally expelled from their homes by the Israeli army; their synagogues left to the delicate care of Hamas. The areas which saw the loving blossoming of Jewish life in scores of communities   were bulldozed and gifted to our worst enemies.
On the same date, the tenth of Av, the Second   Temple was  torched by the Romans as they expelled the Jews from their lands,

Then, it was a turn coat Jew, Julius Alexander who led the Roman Legions against the Jews and Jerusalem.
Exactly Nineteen years ago it was Ariel Sharon and his minions of yes men (including Netanyahu) and cowardly opportunists (all of course  " experts" in their respective fields such as law, academia, media, but especially security).
Sharon assured the Israeli public that the expulsions and entrance of the terrorists would bring us closer to peace and international acceptance, that if after we withdraw, they dare shoot even one rocket, we would be back with terrible retribution. They shot. We did not act - again
Not to worry. All is well we were assured once again. "Land isn't important, life is", blah , blah, blab. Pontificate our elites.
Peace (or at least some quiet) and   international sympathy are the sophisticated goals.

The same cadre of experts (Rabin and Peres) brought us the unprecedented Oslo crime against the Jewish people. Again we were assured that we can always turn their clock back if the gamble fails. We are strong. They will not dare. If they do, we will handle it swiftly, blah , blah, blah.
Not to worry. They assured us that our only problem is the messianic, anti-peace fanatics among us, not any Arab. "One  makes peace with one's enemies",(when has that ever happened in history before the enemy is beaten?) blah , blah , blah//

Surprise; it was the same arrogant, bloated experts who abandoned the south Lebanon security zone (betraying our allies there) and brought Hezbollah to our border. for peace and international sympathy of course. Again (Barak) assured us that if they dare shoot even one bullet.

How surprising: the very same chorus of experts are   directly responsible for the worst tragedy in Jewish history since the Holocaust on  Oct 7. They assured us things could not be better. They were in charge. They know.

And it's the same, very well financed and organized people who are today calling for capitulation to any and all demands of Hamas in return for even a very small number of hostages NOW!
The bulk of the hostages will be left to the sense of fair play and humanity of Hamas. Not to worry.
 The main thing is that something must happen NOW! NOW! NOW!


Peace NOW!
Trade one soldier (Shalit, under Netanyahu) for any price NOW
End the war NOW!
Elections NOW!
Relieve the conditions of the incarcerated Hamas killers and rapists NOW!
Brutally arrest and prosecute our soldiers in the war against Hamas NOW!
Feed our enemies NOW!

I am not a general but, If the enemy knows that by kidnapping even one Jew, civilian or soldier, they can slaughter thousands repeatedly with impunity, isn't that a sure recipe for the destruction of the country? NOW?

There is lots of movement of Jews into and out of Israel.
There is an increasing number from the West making Aliyah. These Jews understand that if they want a Jewish future, it is only in one place. NOW.
There are other Jews flying in the other direction who have obtained the treasured Spanish or German passport in hand.   After bringing the country to the brink of disaster these sophisticated elites are abandoning ship.
For them a personal Jewish future abroad, likewise a state that is Jewish, is obsolete; an obstacle that needs to be overcome NOW.

Have no fear.

The majority of Jews in Israel love fellow Jews NOW
Want to destroy our sworn enemies forever, NOW
Encourage our enemies to leave us NOW
Liberate from the invaders our promised lands NOW.
Settle them with Jews NOW
Faith NOW
The battle of the NOWs is raging in Israel.

We have learned that only one NOW survives Jewish history

tour guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

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At this point in time, this sounds good

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