21 August 2024

Ayelet HaShachar

As the entire nations of the world are in their destiny of Takoma, Amalek and the Erev Rav are descending and Eretz Yisrael and the good Jews, the Children of Hashem, are in ascendance.

Read this and digest its meaning:

The Geula really began in and around 5570 with the Talmidim of the Gra, the Vilna Gaon, called “Ayelet HaShachar.”

The Real Reason for The Light Rail System

In *Her Children Return Home, Mrs Littman maps out for us the beginning of the Geulah, and how seemingly cultural advancements were covertly laying the framework for the building up of the Land of Israel for the arrival of Jews from all over the world, returning Home. Clandestinely but in the open not so slowly Jerusalem was/is being rebuilt in a unique fashion.

Who, but for spiritual hindsight, could imagine the real purpose for all the events set in motion 200 years ago up to today.

in fact, she writes, “A Neis in our Time.”  **What is that Neis? The building up of Yerushalayim in the prophecy of “All of Eretz Yisrael will become the City of Yerushalayim, and the whole world will become the Country of Eretz Yisrael.” 

The world has not yet reached that stage, and Yerushalayim is in its stages of becoming “all of Eretz Yisrael.” But we can see this happening with our own eyes in real time today. She says “the centre of Town” is Yerushalayim, and 

With the Light Rail system, settlements, developments are slowing being attached to Yerushalayim, becoming suburbs of Yerushalayim.

Infrastructure Vastly Improved

New modern roads being created and streamlined and old roads being widened and modernised to make travel quick and easy; in some places making your trip in minutes instead of hours. As these improvements increase, one can see how all communities of Eretz Yisrael will be so connected that Eretz Yisrael will in reality become Yerushalayim with travel to the Center of Town and the Temple Mount an easy reach from all over, on the streamlined roads, light rail travel, and a proposed cable-car to the Kotel.

This is more than amazing. It’s miraculous. It’s the Handiwork of Hashem.

  • Her Children Return Home, a 2 volume set of “Viewing the miraculous rebirth and growth of Yerushalayim through the windows of the Light Rail.” 
  • *(pp 32-35) 

IN ISRAEL:  You too can delight in the Geulah process (as I call it) by purchasing this Her Children Return Home, Two Volume Set, through Tfutza Publications, 972.2.650.9400 and

IN USA:  Israel Bookshop Publications, Lakewood NJ 732.901.3009 VIA

IN ENGLAND VIA Lehmanns at 44.191.430.0333

For Australia, S. Africa comment below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly amazing, how Hashem works in mysterious ways. There is no other city like Yerushalayim, not only in beauty, but the way it is being built is truly miraculous and how blessed we are that our great Sages were aware and knew of this. When I learned years ago that all of EY would be called Yerushalayim and the rest of the world, Israel; I was so happily amazed at H's Kindness and Love for His people, Yisrael and for mankind, in general.
Blessed be His Holy Name.

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