29 August 2024

Reb Neuberger – SERIOUS DAYS ......RE’EH



Last week we discussed “fear,” a topic which I wanted to continue. But a major event occurred which I need to discuss. Let’s first continue with last week’s topic.


In Parshas Aikev, Moshe Rabbeinu says, “Now, Oh Israel, what does Hashem your G-d ask of you? Only to fear Hashem … to go in all His ways and love Him and to serve Hashem your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul ….” (Dvarim 10:12)


How in fact do we accomplish that? Some people try to approach Hashem by inducing in themselves states of artificial ecstasy. They roll in the snow or fast or live in the woods. But they are hallucinating. They are not close to Hashem.


The Torah explains clearly. “Hashem said to Israel, ‘I created the evil inclination, and I have created Torah as its antidote.” (Kedushin 30b) The Chofetz Chaim stated, “The evil inclination does not care if a Jew fasts and cries and davens for the entire day as long as he does not learn Torah!” (Rav Elchonen Wasserman zt”l) This is what the other nations do not and cannot understand. 


As Dovid Hamelech says, “[Hashem] relates His Word to Yaakov, His statutes and judgments to Israel. He did not do so for any other nation! They do not know such judgments!” (Tehillim 147) We are directly connected to Hashem through His Torah, which was given exclusively to us. We are unique.


As a result, the nations hate us with an all-consuming hatred. Their passion -- Yishmoel in his way and Esav in his way -- is to destroy us, G-d forbid, and for this they push aside all other things. They want the world “Judenrein … free of Jews,” so that they can indulge in their corrupt lifestyle without the feeling that Hashem – the G-d of Righteousness and Truth – is seeing and judging them. Of course, they cannot make Hashem go away from the world He created, but they can try to eliminate Am Yisroel, upon whom His Name rests.


Last week the murderers in Lebanon were about to unleash a mighty barrage, but Hashem made a tremendous miracle and saved us. It is essential to acknowledge the miraculous nature of this event, because – if we fail to acknowledge Hashem’s protection – we may not merit the miracle next time.


My friends, this is not a game. We need to tremble before Hashem.


We are approaching the Days of Judgment, on which we acknowledge Hashem’s Kingship. This world is not in our hands. It is suicidal to live without accepting Hashem's kingship, neither in the Land of Israel nor outside the Land of Israel. 


The Torah does not believe in rebelling against society. We are enjoined to abide by the just laws of the land in which we live, but we must know that Hashem Himself is now dismantling the world structure, just the way He crushed the mighty empire of Mitzraim before He brought our ancestors toHar Sinai. It is happening whether we like it or not, so we had better run to Him for protection, because that is all we have.


On Rosh Hashanah we say, “Oh Hashem, our G-d, instill Your awe upon all Your works and Your dread upon all that You have created. Let all works revere You and all creatures prostrate themselves before You. Let them all become a single society to do Your will with a whole heart.”


The days of Yishmoel and Esav are drawing to a close; the New Day of Torah is about to dawn. In Mitzraim only one-fifth chose to join Moshe Rabbeinu at Har Sinai. This is shocking, but, if we look around, we can understand. It is time to release our grip on the dying culture which surrounds us and prepare to crown Hashem King “b’chol levavcha … with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our resources….”


The missiles are in their launching pads; the nuclear warheads are armed, but we have a King Who is above all kings and controls every atom. “Behold, one need fear indeed if he has nothing from Me .… [But for those who fear Me] any weapon sharpened against you shall not succeed … This is the heritage of the servant of Hashem … for the … Holy One of Israel has glorified you.” (Haftaras Re’eh)


May we all search deep in our souls and seek to come close to Hashem Our G-d in the powerful month of Elul which begins this week. “Achas Shoalti … One thing I asked of Hashem … To dwell in His House all the days of my life!”


Good Shabbos!


Living in the woods

Cedars of Lebanon: This is what Lebanon should look like






Esav: Western culture, which descended from Esav, son of our Father Yitzchak

Mitzraim: Ancient, Biblical Egypt

Yishmoel: Moslem culture, the descendants of Yishmoel, son of our Father Avraham

Sorry, mistakes were my omission!


moshe said...

two typos: from the Glossary: Esav was the son of Yitzchak.
Yishmael was the son of Avraham, not Yitzchak.

Neshama said...

Thank you Moshe, this was my omission to correct before publishing. Appreciate your watchful eyes!

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