25 August 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Share this with your flag-waving relatives and friends

 Clear Video of Missile Attack on Northern Israel From INSIDE Israel

This video was reportedly taken from the border city of Kiryat Shmona. It shows clear video evidence that the same Erev Rav globalist scum who orchestrated the October 7 massacre from within, among so many other atrocities, are waging war against the northern communities from within as well.

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Mazal Tov to the Israel Destruction Forces on reaching another milestone: 700 Jewish soldiers killed in Gaza since October 7, according to their official numbers. To put this in perspective, according to official numbers, a total of 776 IDF soldiers were killed in the 1967 war against the combined armies of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.

This is aside from more than 10,000 troops who required medical attention by the Defense Ministry Rehabilitation Department since October 7, with more than 1000 new veterans joining them every MONTH (source).

According to numbers from an IDF press release, as of April 4, 456 out of 1550 soldiers injured in Gaza (and we're not talking about paper cuts) were due to “operational accidents”.   That's nearly one third (source).  

Jewish soldiers are almost as likely to get maimed by “accidents” than by Hamas. Whatever it takes.

Meanwhile, after 10 months, Hamas still seems to have no shortage of weapons, ammunition, healthy fighters, tunnels, food, water, and all the other supplies they need.  How?? At the same time, casualties and “terror attacks” (surely not coordinated from within) have only continued to increase.  

As one reader aptly noted, more Israelis have been killed by “Iron Dome” itself than by Iranian missiles.  

Numerous witnesses in the north claim that missile attacks against their communities and farmland seem to be coming from INSIDE Israel.  

Those who are brainwashed by propaganda and blinded by a deep emotional, quasi-religious desire to believe in the messianic nature of the anti-God Freemason state continue to believe there is a war between Israel and its enemies, all of the above somehow makes perfect sense for reasons we aren't capable of understanding, and we should send even more Jews to be maimed and killed for nebulous reasons and non-existent achievements.

Those who aren't brainwashed and blinded, however, will conclude that there is no actual war between Israel and Hamas, or Israel and Iran, or Israel and Hezbollah, but only between all the above entities working together with the United States and foreign globalist handlers against the Jewish people and any innocent civilians who happen to be in the way.

In other words, it's a controlled demolition.  The purpose is to decimate the Jewish people's ability to defend itself, liquidate its border communities, and herd the population into large concentrated ghettos, where they will be constantly surveilled, travel will be restricted, food and other essential resources will be totally controlled and rationed by the government, and they will own nothing and be happy until such time as their existence in this world is no longer useful.

Endless conflict with no clear end game will justify an endless state of emergency and emergency powers for the globalist overlords, while continuing to feed the Molech meat grinder and keep the people in a state of weakness and total dependence — slavery.

It's a final solution to the Jewish people and the ability of human beings to be free and self-sufficient.

Stop supporting the people and institutions that are actively waging war against you.  Even if they speak Hebrew and claim to be protecting you.

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Anonymous said...

I would love to somehow fight back. But I'm gonna hafta rely on Hashem. Whoever our enemy is He knows why it's here and how to fix it. . My teshuva is pretty good for once, the only solid force I can grasp. So, I wait...

Neshama said...

Leah, I'm so fed up with whats going on; its unbelievable that the Israelis don't understand how theyre being duped. Don't see a possible solution to this madness, except for Who you are relying on. I also am leaning heavily on HIM but its frustrating for someone like me that is a "doer". THanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

You sure are. Again, this blog is THE BEST.
Take some advice. Keep doing TORAH.
As I take a Sabbatical, at this auspicious time, to keep my focus on all spiritual all the time, I do. You do. We do.
It's not a paid one either. I am falling into Hashem's Hands. I made my 2 rubels now I sit back and Learn. There is nothing more.

DG said...

Too bad you haven't heard of Eisav sonei es Yaakov and ikvassa demeshicha.

moshe said...

The only answer is that H' send MBY because it seems almost impossible otherwise. We have to remember that H' is in Control and until HE Gives the go-ahead, we need to hold on to our Emunah & Bitachon in HKB'H. The Erev Rav Amaleikim together with their cohorts, Amaleik itself, are so embedded in the whole infrastructure of the State, it will take the miraculous action of Hashem to finally undo them.
Praying Hashem accepts our cries, pleas and tefilot NOW and responds immediately as HE did at yetziat Mitzrayim!

drbsd said...

So the video. Nothing there. Conspiracy theory again.I like conspiracy theories but good ones

Neshama said...

There are other videos that reveal. Must read an eyewitness report!

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...