22 August 2024

Rabbi Weissman

 This week's Torah class is filled with more fundamental lessons that we should have been taught when we were children, applied to the times in which we live.  The recording is available here.

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It's a miracle Israel, Inc. doesn't just get it over with and carpet bomb all the Jews in the north it wants to get rid of, then call it an accident and promise an investigation. Considering all the atrocities they've gotten away with, all the lies and betrayals that have been exposed without anything meaningful happening, what are they afraid the sheeple would do after being carpet bombed that they never did before?

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They would forcibly expel thousands of Jews from their homes in Gush Katif and destroy their communities, and they would force the entire country to wear slavery masks and waste away under prison-style lockdowns, and they would force millions of people to take poison shots, and they would accidentally let Hamas massacre thousands of Jews for 8+ hours, but they would NEVER burn the northern border cities to make the residents leave voluntarily or involuntarily.  That's just going too far, and no sensible person should believe such a thing.

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I said the following in response to a comment about how awful the shidduch world is, but the same holds true across the board.

Nothing will change until people are less afraid of the consequences of bucking the system than they are of the consequences of continuing to play along.

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How many Shabak provocateurs wearing costumes were involved?  If you think the answer is probably zero and the question is worthy of scorn, you're part of the problem.

Everything in the controlled media is intended to deceive you and mislead you. Everything.

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