03 August 2024

Rabbi Weissman: The Masterminds Behind Oct 7

 Today was my monthly Amalek and Erev Rav program.  It's one of the most important interviews I ever did.  Investigative journalist Haim Yativ has been blowing the doors off the false October 7 narrative from the beginning.  On today's program we discussed the following and much more:

* The involvement of foreign mercenaries on October 7
* Collaboration between Israel, the Americans, and Hamas to orchestrate what took place that day
* The false timeline
* The IDF bases near the Gaza border being taken out from inside hours before Hamas was allowed to breach the fence
* The subsequent cover-up
* What we need to do both spiritually and practically
* Evidence that the Haganah collaborated with the Gestapo – it didn't start with October 7 (Lengthy Hebrew article by Yativ is available at  If someone provides a good English version I'll be happy to share it.)

This is information you will not get anywhere in the fake controlled media or in most of the “alternative” media, which is also controlled.  

All of it is based on solid evidence and careful investigative work.

*   *   *
Several people who identify as religious Jews expressed to me the following: "The IDF is far from perfect, but right now, that's all we got standing between us and a full Arab invasion into our lands. I mean, what's the alternative? We all hold hands and pray to Hashem?"

1. This is kefirah.  I'm not exaggerating.  It's actual kefirah.
2. The same IDF was a full participant in the invasion on October 7.  It couldn't have happened WITHOUT them.

Only 1 out of 5 Jews merited to leave Egypt.  The other 80% died during the plague of darkness.

I don't see 20% of people with their head on remotely straight at the moment.  Praying to Hashem with raw desperation sure seems like a good idea to me.  Much better than waving the Erev Rav flag like a moron and falling for every lie as if you were born yesterday.

But hey, what do I know?

*   *   *
You seriously believe the people who control the money, the weapons, the media, the courts, the weapons, the flow of information, the supply chain, the agencies that act in secrecy, and so much more, would give you a real choice, allow you to vote them out of power, and just give it all up?

*   *   *
If the election process was real, how come no one ever ran on a platform of cutting taxes to 10% total, eliminating sales tax and all the other thievery, letting the people keep their money and decide how it is spent?  It's the best chance for anyone to win widespread support across the spectrum, yet no candidate who is allowed to get anywhere ever tries it.  They ALL support the slavery/thievery system.  Funny, no?

*   *   *
I'm coining a new term: Fact-Shekers.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say, in a nutshell, HASHEM BLESS this heroic Rabbi;
may Rabbi Chananya Weissman go from Strength to Strength!

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Ki Tavo

Parshas Ki Savo: Walking in the Ways of Hashem - Inspiring Awe In the Nations of the World