03 August 2024

Shalom Pollack – ERETZ YISRAEL Tour: Tanach, nature, archeology and dining at the Dead Sea

 TOUR:  Tanach, nature, archeology and dining at the Dead Sea

Tuesday, August 27
Depart from the Inbal hotel at 8:30
Return around 6:00
Cost, including lunch - 300 shekels

Visit the Jordan river site where Yehoshua led our people into Eretz Yisrael and where  the prophet Eliyahu ascended in a fiery chariot.

Visit Einot Tzukim nature reserve on the shores of the Dead Sea where the exquisite landscape reveals its mysteries and beauty

We will have the opportunity to be one of the first to enjoy the brand  new multimedia visitors center dedicated to this unique region.

We will proceed to kibbutz Ein Gedi (the former border with Jordan) There we will see their famous, gorgeous cactus gardens and have a full  "kibbutz lunch" in the kibbutz dining room (kosher - Rabbinate Dead Sea region)

We will visit the special ancient Jewish community site at Ein Dedi with its remains including a unique mosaic floor masterpiece from the Talmudic period.

Time permitting, we will visit the "Ahava" Dead Sea products factory / showroom and have a chance to shop.

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Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Ki Tavo

Parshas Ki Savo: Walking in the Ways of Hashem - Inspiring Awe In the Nations of the World