05 June 2024

There’s a FOX in Judea and Samaria, and now a “מְרִירִי” Neged the Yeshiva World

 AG Holds Talks on Eliminating All Subsidies for Charedi Yeshiva Students

ISRAEL (VINnews) — In a frightening new twist, Israel’s Attorney-General is weighing the possibility of canceling all government subsidies for yeshivas bochurim and families, in the wake of the ongoing battle over the Charedi draft law.

According to Charedi news site Kikar Hashabbos, AG Gali Baharav-Miara is considering canceling property tax discounts and daycare subsidies for Charedi yeshiva students who have not served in the army.

In addition, Calcalist reports that Biharav-Miara is reviewing the budget for at-risk Chareidi youth in the Welfare Ministry as well as the discounts that avreichim receive for daycare and arnona. She is also trying to revoke Bituach Leumi subsidies for yeshivah bochurim.

If the subsidies are indeed canceled, it would be a heavy financial blow to avreichim, with daycare costs amounting to thousands of shekels per month per child.

Baharav-Miara reportedly believes that once the yeshiva students’ military status has been changed from holding deferrals to “draft-dodgers”, there is no legal obligation to continue subsidizing daycare for their children or allowing them to benefit from property tax discounts.

Labor Minister Yoav Ben Tzur pledged to protect the subsidies. “On my watch, no one will harm innocent babies due to their parents’ belief, Ben Tzur said. “I will fight for the haredi children who are in daycares. The Education Law applies to all children in the State of Israel, with no differentiation, and no one has the right to harm them.”

He added, “So long as I am Labor Minister, there will be no sector-based discrimination in employment, education, or welfare. We are in the Jewish State, not in Galut.”

On Sunday, Israel’s Supreme Court convened to discuss the Conscription Law and drafting Charedi Yeshiva students, with Baharav-Miara seeking to draft 3,000 students by the end of 2024.

Attorney Avi Malikovski, who represents the attorney general, said that the number 3,000 was just a start. “The attorney general believes that the army should strive to recruit as many Yeshiva students as possible,” he said, adding that “3,000 is not a final number, it is a minimal number that does not yet reflect the value of equality, but there is a reality on the ground.”


FROM (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  […] If the subsidies are indeed canceled, it would be a heavy financial blow to avreichim. Without the daycare subsidy, which is about NIS 1,500, most Chareidi mothers could not afford to work.

Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur (Shas) responded to an inquiry on the matter by stating: “On my watch, no one will harm children because of their parents’ faith. I will fight for the Chareidi children who are in daycare. The Education Law is for all children in the State of Israel without distinction and no one is allowed to harm them. As long as I am the Minister of Labor there will be no sectoral discrimination – not in employment, education, or welfare. We’re in the Jewish state, not in Galut.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This should not be a surprise to any chareidi. Don't they know that the courts and the establishment are all Erev Rav? Their goal is to get rid of any Yiddishkeit and Torah learning. Their war is against Hashem, but it is Hashem who is controlling everything.
All those who go up against G-D Almighty and His people always learn the hard way.
The good thing is that it's not our people who hurt us, these are the souls of the ancient Mitzrim, the mixed multitude.

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