06 June 2024



I didn’t get my act together on time yesterday, but I am sending you Rav Frisch’s insights anyway, to let them touch you even though it is no longer timely.

Day 43

The week is an exciting one. Everything that you tried to integrate throughout the past weeks is now going to find a level of experiential articulation. Malchus means kingship, and what that means is making Hashem your ruler in everything that you do. The first way to achieve this is via chessed, the attribute that He revealed in creating His world.

Let your soul rule your body, so that your light reflects His light. Cleave to the holy Shechina and let Her affect your Middos in everything you do. Hashem dwells in your soul, and when your soul dominates your body, He is then your King. Pray that we see His chessed spread throughout the entire world.                                                                                                                                   


Show kindness to the poor and to those who have insufficient means. Especially to those who other people are mistreating and who are under pressure and feel as though everyone is against them. Open your hand, your heart and your home to them.

If you want to begin to love them, the key is giving to them. This is especially true for destitute torah scholars (who we often dismiss as “still another meshulach” TG)

When you are at work, do your work on Hashem’s terms. Be careful to give tzedakah especially to those who also love Hashem.

Limb- before doing any positive mitzvah say (use your MOUTH) that you are doing this mitzvah out of love of Hashem.

Time- night, especially at midnight

Tefillah- Selach Lanu (please forgive us)

Holy Name- Kel


Day 44

Bring yourself to the moment that the sea split. Feel Hashem’s power and then bring that moment back to recent history and to your own life. Let the experience of feeling His power take you to song, just as it did for the Jews who actually were there at Kriat Yam Suf.  Their song ended with the words, “Hashem shall rule forever” – that can and should be the place that singing can take you. You recognize that Hashem rules the world, and you open your heart so that He is also your ruler.

Making Hashem your ruler means keeping His laws and overcoming challenges that threaten your consistency and your will to do what He demands. The example of this is Yosef, who met temptation with absolute fortitude and strength. It isn’t enough to just physically control your body by refraining from doing what you know is wrong. You should try to confront your particular brand of yetzer hara, and force it out of the line of your inner vision by seeing how illusory it is, and how evil it is, and where it can take you. To use the words of the Talmud, when you overcome temptation, you can behead the yetzer hara.


There is a time when you can’t sit on the fence, and you have to try to bring about change. When there are those who oppose Hashem’s kingship there isn’t room for compromise. Even so, this is only when your opposition can change things. When you daven, your entire attitude should change. Rather than hoping to defeat them, daven that Hashem make a small opening in His throne for them to enter His presence by doing tshuvah.

Overcome the yetzer hara that limits your desire to give tzedakah, and/or to defend those who need someone to stand up for them.

Limb- When you overcome temptation and observe a negative commandment (you don’t do what you were tempted to do), say in words (MOUTH) that you are doing this out of fear of Hashem

Time- at night, especially midnight

Tefillah- ask for forgiveness for times you may have denied Hashem’s rulership with your words or your actions

Holy Name- Elokim 

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