08 June 2024


How can we see through the charades of leaders, authority figures, influencers, and other “experts”?

What's a true Jewish flag worth celebrating, and why?

Yet another response to those who wonder where is Hashem when the righteous suffer.

Why was Elazar counted as a nasi but not Itamar, and what does this teach us about leadership?

Yet another response to Galus Jews who argue that they should remain in exile lest they sin in Eretz Yisrael, where the stakes are higher.

Why did Hadrian claim that he was better than Moshe Rabbeinu, how was he put in his place, and what does that have to do with how we view laws in general and tyrants in particular?

*   *   *
Very sharp comment from one of my readers:

If anyone’s considering celebrating Jerusalem day let’s do a quick review:

Purim - canceled 
Lag Baomer - canceled 
Shechem on yesod shebeyesod - canceled 

Yom Haatzmaut - not canceled 
Rainbow parade - not canceled 
Hexagram flag parade - also not canceled. 

*   *   *
One of the best silver linings about October 7 is that there was a pervert parade in Jerusalem last week to protest the fact that holy Jerusalemites aren't perverts like them, but there were 2/3 fewer perverts than last year, and, frankly, no one is interesting right now in these emotionally abusive, whiny creeps and their demands.

Even the Erev Rav media was embarrassed to give them too much coverage.  Next year let the only parade in Jerusalem be to the Beis Hamikdash.

*   *   *
Speaking of perverts:

The Jacksonville "Jewish" Center and the Interfaith Center of Northeast Florida teamed up for a Rainbow Challah Bake on Sunday, grooming a new generation in the ways of Sodom.

Kids crafts and beers on draft earlier that morning, too, to celebrate the giving of the Torah.  Such fine Jewish programming.

And people find it hard to believe that people literally burned their children alive to idolatry back in the day while priests played music to cover up their screams.  At least back then they got it over with quickly instead of slowly torturing their souls like they do today.

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And this:

Idolatrous Freemason images at a playground in Pardes Hanna.  I call on the citizens to rise up and eradicate this from their midst.
*   *   *
Go ahead and give me your best argument to support the IDF (Israel Destruction Forces), let alone join it, in spite of all we know.  It's the epitome of useful idiocy.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B'H fpr Rabbo Weissman and some other wonderful blogs like his that bring out what is really going on in our holy EY.