23 March 2023

The Ultimate Choice

"You will own nothing and be happy. “

The truth is that you already own virtually nothing. 

  • The bank owns your mortgaged house & car.
  • Powerful bankers own the make-believe value of your money, your stocks, the alleged value of your equity in your house & of all other 'stuff' you think you own. 
  • The government owns your salary & gives you small allowance from it.
  • They also own your roads, bridges, state borders, ability to travel.
  • The Science™ owns your skies, the air you breathe and water you drink.
  • Pharma owns your medical choices, your health & your genome.
  • The media basically owns your mind.
  • The state owns your children's minds.
  • CPS & 'Family Court' own your child. 
  • Big Tech owns your communication, your secrets, your every movement. 
  • Corporatist state owns your diet & the food chain.
  • The super-wealthy own your politicians & so-called representatives (in addition to all the above).
  • They own both candidates of every 'election,' so in effect, they own your so-called democracy.
  • They also own nearly all of the religious establishment with very few exceptions. 
  • They most likely own your rabbi, your shul, & your yeshiva.

The only thing your still own is your resolve, your moral integrity, your courage, your voice.  Your right to be happy.

Sadly, most of you don't even realize you still own this right. 

You have willingly relinquished it to Klaus & his ilk.

So, when Klaus orders you to 'be happy,' you will servilely comply, just as you complied when he ordered you to cover your face, isolate, thrust a stick up your nose and a needle in your arm, heartlessly abandon your elders and isolate your child.

However, YOU will not really be happy. Klaus will be. You will have surrendered your personhood. You will be rendered incapable of happiness.

You will be a faceless, mindless, heartless, voiceless, choiceless drone. 

That's what you opted for since March 2020 (and decades before that).

You chose choicelessness. Indifference. Apathy. Obsequious compliance. 

There's still a small window of opportunity to choose otherwise. Will you wake up in time to make that crucial choice?

The choice is yours. 

The Ultimate Choice by Rabbi Green


Anonymous said...

The first and main problem is that most people are so in the dark, they know nothing even what is being done to them and what is happening. Secondly, there is no such thing as a human being owning another human being. G-D is the only Owner of everything. He is allowing the evil now being perpetrated on humanity because this is the end of history and all the evil characters from time immemorial are now back and proving how wicked they are for the final judgment.
G-D is in control of everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. All part of His Master Plan, that will lead us to our final Redemption and to a new world (earth) which will be purified, all evildoers and evil gone and where all creation will know Ain Od Milvado!
It is important for all mankind to wake up and realize these demonic forces are waging a
war against the Creator and humanity which they actually believe they can overtake the
world because so much of humanity has been dumbdowned and are extremely uninformed and don't realize the evil behind all that is happening.
First, everyone must realize there is ONLY Hashem, G-D and that He is One & there is no other, He is in total control of everything. He will not allow anything to go further than what He
Allows, and then a big STOP; in an instant, evil will be gone.

Neshama said...

thank you and loved what you wrote.
Perfect to read before the event of saying the Shema tonite.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i join Neshama in what you wrote, Annonymous.

Hashem IS in charge..

Shabbat Shalom to you Neshama and yours. and also to all who come to this blog.

zee zee

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