13 March 2023

More Jewish Scapegoats Served Up to The Erev Rav and World Anti-Semites


Two Jewish residents of the Samaria community of Givat Ronen were arrested this morning (Monday) by the Shin Bet and police on suspicion of involvement in the violent riots in Huwara which followed the murder of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv.

In the afternoon, the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court extended the suspects' detention for three days.
At the hearing, it was revealed that the police and Shin Bet had denied the suspects food since their arrest in the early morning until the time of the hearing. In light of this, Judge Amir Shaked ordered that the detainees be provided with food.

The Shin Bet and prosecution requested that the suspects' detention be extended by 10 days, but the court only ordered them to be held for three days.

Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvil, who represents the detainees on behalf of the Honenu organization, criticized the denial of food to the detainees, and said: "We believe that there is no reason to extend the detention at all and certainly not to prevent them from meeting with a lawyer as if there were 'ticking bombs.' At the end of the day, nothing will come from this.”

"In today's hearing, it became clear to us that our clients have not received food since their arrest, which is a basic elementary right of suspects and detainees. I implore the Shin Bet and police to protect the rights of my clients. We will appeal to the district court against the scandalous and draconian ban on meeting with attorneys," he added.

Two other suspects in the Huwara riots remain in custody in administrative detention after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered them to be held for four months minutes after the Jerusalem District Court ordered them and six other suspects released due to lack of evidence.

Last week, Lod District Court Judge Ruth Lorach ordered the detention of the minor suspect, who is 17-years-old, shortened from four months to under two months. The detention of the other suspect was also shortened to about three months.

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Please read The Golden Calf of Huwara to open your eyes and minds about this “juggernaut pincer town”.


Anonymous said...

H' is making it clear to all who, for sure, are the Erev Rav Amaleikim within our midst.
These Shin Bet, etc. are definitely from Amaleik. Amazing how many in power in the so-called
'Democratic' state behave like anarchists rather than lawful officers in a legal government. They are all showing their true colors for the world to see.

Esser Agaroth said...

We need to ask ourselves, "Who has ultimately authority over the Shabbak?"

השב"כ כפוף למשרד ראש הממשלה ונועד להגן על המדינה מפני ריגול, חתרנות פנימית וטרור המסכנים את ביטחונה.

The Shin Bet is subordinate to the Prime Minister's Office and is designed to protect the country against espionage, internal subversion and terrorism that endanger its security. (translation from Hebrew Wikipedia)

Neshama said...

Shabak is believed to have three operational wings:[2]

The Arab Department: responsible primarily for Arab-related counterterrorism activities in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.
The Israel and Foreigners Department: formerly named the Non-Arab Affairs Department. It includes the Department for Counter-intelligence and Prevention of Subversion in the Jewish Sector, also known as the "Jewish Department".[3] It is responsible for preventing espionage, and for dealing with extremists who carry out actions (such as terrorism) against the state and the democratic regime. As its original concerns mostly related to the Communist Bloc, it shrank after the fall of the Soviet Union, but rose again in importance in response to Jewish terrorist activity beginning in the early 80s.[4]
The Protective Security Department: responsible for protecting high-value individuals and locations in the country such as government officials, embassies, airports, and research facilities.
Although a security agency, it is not a part of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and its chief answers directly to the Prime Minister of Israel.

Anonymous said...

Then the PM should start a real investigation into every aspect of these depts.
Believe, the pm's from the start have answered to outside forces. Most likely, others
think the same. 'Reforms' are required not only of the judiciary (which is the worst) but
of all ministries.
This also goes for the rest of the Olam! We really, really need Moshiach!

At this point in time, this sounds good

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