29 March 2023

Interesting Headlines - and Surprises UPDATES

Interesting Headlines. Someone commented that the protesters were being “played” by those who are paying them to protest. Think OWN! (with links)


A new red line was crossed at the left-wing protests on Monday, with videos appearing on social media showing protesters burning photos of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in downtown Tel Aviv. Another frightening video, broadcast on Channel 12 News, shows left-wing protester Giora Chamizer, a well-known TV producer and screenwriter, inciting Netanyahu’s murder.

“His end will be like that of every dictator in our history,” he said to the newscaster, who asked him: “You mean?” The protester responded: “Look on Wikipedia, see where dictators end up, that’s where Bibi will end up.”

The Likud party filed a complaint to the police about both incidents.

“The Likud filed a complaint with the police against Giora Chamitzer for serious incitement to violence and murder against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and against left-wing protesters who burned the image of the prime minister,” the Likud spokesperson said. “We expect the police and the prosecutor’s office to act immediately and with all their power against the manifestations of incitement and violence against the prime minister and elected officials.”

With reference to OWN, see this: Tensions between Diaspora Jews and Israeli government on display at summit of European Jewish leaders in Berlin. The NWO is making a move neged EY.

Insubordinate Pilots’ Ground Crews Won’t Serve Until Judicial Reform Is Fully Implemented

By David Israel

More than 200 Air Force ground crew reservists on Monday sent Defense Minister Yoav Gallant a letter warning: “If anyone in the Israel Defense Forces and the government thinks that the pilots are worth more than us, let them come down to the air force bases and take care of the planes themselves.”

On March 19, 180 reservist pilots and navigators, more than 50 flight controllers, and about 40 drone remote operators informed their units that they won’t be showing up for training in the coming week because of the judicial reform. They said they would devote most of their time calling for a dialogue and the defense of democracy, and noted that they continue to serve in operational activities in the army – just not in the following week. [letter viewed at]

IDF Reservists Suspend their Protest: ‘We Decided to Give Talks a Chance’

By David Israel

The “Brothers in Arms” group of IDF reservists who demonstrated in recent weeks against the judicial reform, on Tuesday announced that they are suspending the protest following the statement of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Monday night that he is suspending the legislation to give an opportunity for negotiations.

Brothers in Arms, estimated at several hundred IDF reservist soldiers and officers, published a letter signed by its members declaring they won’t serve in the reserves if the judicial reform is passed. Read more at

Anarchists Plan Chametz ‘Tik Tok’ Protest

One of the Israeli anarchist groups is planning a new protest for the Passover holiday. According to a report by Nir Dvori of Channel 12, the group is planning to bring Chametz into hospitals in Israel and then upload pictures of themselves with the Chametz onto the internet. They are doing this latest street theater protest in response to the recent law that allows for hospitals administrators to decide if they will or won’t let Chametz into their hospitals during the Pesach holiday.

The plan to film and upload their attacks on Jewish sensibilities sounds very reminiscent of the Jerusalem Arab attackers who make and post Tik Tok videos of themselves hitting and harassing Jews walking around Jerusalem. Read more at

They Mean Business: Coalition Submits Judicial Reform for Plenum Vote in Case Talks Go Haywire

By David Israel

On Monday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he was suspending the judicial reform legislation to allow negotiations with the opposition parties to hopefully reach a common ground during the Knesset’s summer session. But on Tuesday morning, the opposition parties discovered that the coalition submitted the first phase of the bill, dealing with the composition of the committee to elect judges, to a plenum vote. The bill had been finalized in committee on Monday.

There was a practical, largely technical reason for this move: the Knesset protocol requires that a bill would be submitted at least 24 hours before the plenum can vote on it. So, now, anytime the coalition decides to submit the original bill – it can. And, naturally, there was a psychological component to the move, a message to the opposition parties, if you will, that should they pull away from the talks – the bill becomes a law in an instant. Read more at

Israel’s Reformers Look to US as Model for Selecting Judges

By David Isaac

(JNS) Israel’s government wants to adopt a system of selecting judges more in keeping with the American model, which means politicians will be in charge. It’s a key element of the coalition’s judicial reform plan and one it hopes to vote into law by the end of the month.

Currently, judges in Israel are chosen by a Judicial Selection Committee made up of three Supreme Court judges, two government ministers, two Knesset members, and two lawyers from the Israel Bar Association. More at

Two Sides Won, and the Anarchists Lost

By JoeSettler

Yesterday was a day of reckoning for Israel. A small group of anarchists and power-elites held the entire country hostage, shutting down airports, hospitals, and malls. Chain stores shuttered their gates. Unions went on strike, and the economy and security of the nation hung in the balance.

But while this criminal extortion requires its own analysis, discussion and solution, there’s another group that’s been held hostage for far too long: the Zionist-Left. The truth is that while most of the Right are not pleased with Bibi’s decision to slow down the passing of judicial reforms, they understand the importance of consensus-building as a stable way to run a country.

Meanwhile, the Zionist-Left has been unable to break free from the leadership of the anarchists Barak, Lapid, and Michaeli (BLM), who have held them captive for months.

It’s time to call out the hypocrisy of demanding the Right negotiate, only to refuse to come to the table while trying to impose anti-democratic preconditions.

Bibi slowed down the reforms until the summer Knesset session, giving Gantz’s Zionist-Leftwing party a chance to escape BLM’s clutches and openly negotiate (he had been forced to negotiate in secret until now).

Thanks to Bibi’s leadership, the anarchists are now on the defensive. Their indefensible actions yesterday infuriated and scared every sane person in the country.

Their hostage-taking was a wake-up call for the need for even broader and deeper reforms.

Moreover, yesterday’s massive demonstration of public support for the reforms was undeniable.

This morning, Netanyahu had Rothman’s judicial reform bill moved to the Knesset for immediate voting in case talks break down, sending a clear message that he hasn’t accepted any preconditions, while he is still willing to talk, as has been clear all along.

And this is acceptable to Gantz, who hasn’t even complained about the “technical” move.

Because Bibi liberated Gantz who is now free to negotiate and fight for his own policies, without being chained to the anarchists and Ehud Barak.

Gantz is the head of the alt-opposition, out from under Lapid’s thumb.

Let’s be clear: Two sides won. The Zionist-Right and the Zionist-Left, and most importantly the anarchists lost.

It’s time to move forward with consensus-building and constructive dialogue, rather than allowing a small group of extremists to hold the entire nation hostage.

We all know real judicial reforms are needed to end the judicial oligarchy and the tyranny of the Legal Advisors and save our democracy.

Hopefully, Gantz, will approach the negotiations with the needed courage and foresight that the moment requires.

And if not, Rothman’s watered down bill is ready to be voted on. Read more at


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Disturbing to say the least, that the State is made up of many tipshim & phony yehudim.
When there's no yirat Shamayim, there's no sechel.
When people enjoy dictatorship, c'v, isn't there something terribly wrong with them? Of course, there is. Since aharon barak took over the courts in the 90's, he made the state a dictatorship.
Instead of wanting to go back to 'freedom', these kookoo protesters are begging for dictatorship, but their minds are already so warped, they twisted reality into a pretzel and don't understand good from evil. May G-D have mercy!

Missiles From Yemen to Yerushalayim

Missiles shot from Yemen at Jerusalem - 21 hours ago  (never heard the siren?)