27 March 2023

Martin Sherman – Obviating Elections

The starkest indicators [of erosion of democracy] which presumably underlie the country’s downgrading in international democracy ratings, involve elite decisions about rejecting election resultsJames N. Druckman,  Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University, Misperceptions, Competition, and Support for Democracy, p. 24, Dec 2022

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If the copiously funded mob succeeds in compelling the Israeli government to back away from its much-needed policy of reigning in the rampant legal establishment in general, and the unbridled judiciary, in particular, it will be the end of an era in Israel.  


Blatantly absurd 


For if they succeed, democratic rule will have been replaced by mob rule, in which a highly motivated and abundantly financed minority can impose its will on the elected majority and compel it to abandon a policy, which in the elections, it pledged to implement. In this regard, the accumulating signs of the government buckling under the relentless pressure of the increasingly raucous and unruly street demonstrations are profoundly perturbing.    


There are at least two remarkable aspects of the ongoing protests. One is just how manifestly ludicrous their professed motivation is; the other is how astonishingly effective their well-oiled, well-executed, and well-funded promotional campaign has been in hoodwinking well-off, well-educated echelons in Israeli society. 


As for the alleged motivation—defense of democracy from descent into dictatorship—the demonstrators have yet to present a persuasive causal chain linking the proposed changes in the judicial system to the demise of democracy in Israel. Indeed, it is highly unlikely that they—or anyone else—could. 


After all, it is plainly absurd to claim that a system, in which a dozen or so unelected officials, with no accountability to the public, have the ultimate authority on matters of vital importance, is more democratic than one, in which that authority is vested in the hands of 61 (or more) elected parliamentarians, regularly answerable to the public.   


“Democracy is Dictatorship”: Decent into dystopia? 


So, are the opponents of judicial reforms claiming that, if the reforms are implemented, Israel will metamorphize into a “dictatorial democracy”…or is that “democratic dictatorship”? Indeed, the allegation is no less oxymoronic than “tolerant tyranny” or “treacherously trustworthy”.   


Disturbingly, the opposition’s calculated abuse of language is strongly reminiscent of the abuse of language chillingly depicted in Orwell’s dystopian novel, Nineteen-Eighty-Four. In it, “Big Brother, the totalitarian regime, imposed the use of a contrived language, NewSpeak,designed to diminish the range of thought“. Typical of the elements employed in NewSpeak is the juxtaposition of diametric opposites as in the official motto of the totalitarian regime: War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.   


In perturbingly similar vein, the promoters of the anti-reform protests are in effect asserting that  “democracy is dictatorship“, when decisions are shifted to accountable democratically elected forums from unaccountable, unelected ones. 


Thus, although the opponents of the judicial reforms are in the Opposition, their modus operandi is imposing a dystopian aura on the dispute over those reforms, in which truth is cast to the wind—precluding any chance of sincere dialogue to reduce acrimony and reach some consensual resolution. 


Brazen, blatant hypocrisy   


Of course, the claim that the implementation of the proposed judicial reforms will imperil Israeli democracy is clearly the pinnacle of hypocrisy. After all, those who today vociferously oppose the reforms, previously endorsed precisely the same measures. 


Arguably, the most brazen, blatant display of barefaced double standards behind the anti-reform demonstrators is that of Opposition leader, Yair Lapid. On February 27, 2023, during a plenary debate on judicial reform,  Lapid railed: “Stop this insane legislation.” 


However, in a 2016 address to Kohelet Policy Forum, the organization that played a pivotal role in the formulation of the proposed judicial reforms, Lapid laid out his views on the legal system, which mirrored almost identical measures to those in reforms put forward by today’s coalition: “I have opposed, and I still oppose, judicial activism of the sort introduced by [former Supreme Court President] Justice Aharon Barak. I don’t think it is right that everything is justiciable. I don’t think it is right for the Supreme Court to change fundamental things in accordance with what it refers to as the judgment of ‘the reasonable person.’ That’s an amorphous and completely subjective definition that the Knesset never introduced to the legal code. It’s not right in my mind that the separation of powers, the sacrosanct foundation of the democratic method, should be breached by one branch of government placing itself above the others.” 


No accommodation possible   


From the foregoing analysis, one thing should be depressingly clear: There can be no consensual resolution to the ongoing clash—because the clash itself is not only contrived, but is, in fact, the objective of the demonstrators—rather than a means to achieve an end.    


Paradoxically, there can be no consensual resolution to the dispute because there is no real substantive difference on the issues in dispute—as evidenced by the prior support for the reforms by those who now oppose it—see for example here, here, here, here and again here.   


This absence of real substantive differences is underscored by the fact that, although opponents of the reform almost uniformly concede that the judicial system does need some form of overhaul, they assiduously refrain from stipulating what measures they have in mind—thus averting any chance of comparing what the differences are between their proposals and that of the current coalition. 


Democratic rule replaced by mob rule 


It should thus be clear that the ongoing dispute, allegedly about a substantive difference of opinion is nothing but a façade, a stage prop in a visceral fight for control of the reins of power, in which there is no place for any rational debate. Nothing will be acceptable other than abject surrender. (For greater detail on this, see my recent article here


This is why the government must not, and cannot, back away from the reform proposal. For if does, there will be no point in any elections in the future. Indeed, every time the elected government decides on something of which the opposition disapproves, they will take to the street until it yields to opposition demands—and democratic rule will have been replaced by mob rule. 


Gavriela Dvorah said...

For now, they seem to have won this skirmish, but the war is far from over. Because their war is with HKBH, they will never win.

Neshama said...

I don’t think they won right now. The entire move is now frozen, allowing for backroom negotiations. The coalition is still in trouble, with 10 losses in numbers. However Rothman and Levin, Itamar and Betzalel, are still primed to quit and then we’ll be back to ground zero and no way out, except for Mashiach. I’m posting an article that claims Israel was NEVER a democracy since ’48. They began as a socialist endeavor and somehow it has remained that way and even worse.

Someone said that all the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, whether relig. or not, will be redeemed, after a major incident that scares the non-relig into humiity and acceptance … and Hashem will do it!

So, it may be that “peace” (not shalom) between neshamos might be the best thing right now.
B”H we can go into Pesach, the time of our redemption on the 15th, with a semblance of quiet of mind and heart. This is also very important.

BTW there is another Plandemic on the horizon which is billed to be a million times more deadly than either the CV or the jab. AND the proposed BFarma antidote is a sure killer. I sent the info to Reb Dov, whether he publishes or not I don’t know. But in my posting articles, i can slip in links to vids that explain it all.
Wishing you a kosher and zissen (kosher and sweet) Pesach, a complete Sefira counting, and a relative calm for Lag B’Omer!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I think some of that loss in numbers is due to frustration from coalition supporters, previous voters, who are extremely disappointed that the reforms are not moving forward. I saw lots of chatter from people on different channels about how they were never going to support this or that person again because they caved to mob anarchy. So, I think it's only a temporary bump.

Yes, B"H, we should have some quiet to prepare for and enjoy Pesach, although I am still praying for the revelation of Moshiach leil Pesach, I thought it would be yesterday.

I think frozen means frozen. I don't expect anything to happen during the intervening time. And I expect to see the left try to remove Netanyahu during this time too. They're simply savoring their "victory" right now and planning the next line of attack.

We did a deplorable job of explaining the reforms and allowed lapid to steal the narrative and fill the halls of our enemies with lies. I blame the PM for that. He should have held daily press briefings or at least weekly. But, as a friend of mine said, who knows him well... he thinks too much. What we need is a man of action! I'll wait to hear more about this new whatever it is.

Neshama said...

"allowed lapid to steal the narrative and fill the halls of our enemies with lies.”
I believe that was a tactical political maneuver by PM to see who was stronger, and then he would cave to them, “for the peace of our nation”! I still believe him to be a dangerous hypocrite, beholding to the CFR et al.

Wishing you a peaceful and great Pesach, and yes the arrival of Mashiach on the 15th of Nissan, as our prophets declare.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

And to you also...I send brachot for a peaceful, beautiful and simcha-filled Pesach. And I'll see you the day after at the Beit HaMikdash! I'll bring my tambourine.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...