26 March 2023

Guest Commenter Esser Agaroth: Anti-Missionary Bill

This is a serious situation, and reminiscent of the very Early Days in the formation of our Judaic Nation when there was a Jewish student who declared epikorsis ideology challenging the Pharisees; and this divided the people and caused many to be confused about our laws handed down by Moses at Har Sinai. This article is important to read and understand. Of course we welcome the righteous gentiles who accept and believe in the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach and the One and Only G-D, our Father in Shamayim.  Comments invited.

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The following article is long, but presented here in its entirety. It is incumbent on all of us to see with our own eyes to true colors shown by all of the players. It is recommended to read the highlighted portions at least, to save you some time.

YNET: Haredi legislator tables bill outlawing missionaries

Evangelicals are outraged claiming the proposed bill is an affront to Christians who are supportive of Israel; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rushes to post on his Twitter feed that there will not be any law against Christians

Itamar Eichner, Sivan Hilai | March 22, 2023 

United Torah Judaism lawmaker, Moshe Gafni, a senior member of the ruling coalition on Wednesday tabled a bill outlawing the approach of Jews by missionaries. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to announce there would be no such legislation in a twitter post. 

Gafni's proposal is an addition to a law that already exists that forbids giving money or gifts in exchange for religious conversions, to now outlaw any missionary work at all, under penalty of jail.

"There has been a recent rise in attempts by missionaries, primarily of the Christian faith, to promote religious conversions. At times, those attempts come with a promise of money or other material benefits," Gafni said. "Most such attempts concentrate on people in social and economic hardship who can be susceptible to persuasion," he said.

The proposal raised the ire of the evangelical community, which is 600 million strong around the world and includes 60 million in the U.S. alone. Evangelicals are predominately supportive of Israel's right wing and the settlement movement. 

Christian media reported on the proposed bill and experts among Christian groups said it would be harmful to Israel's image and is a needless affront to a community that has been steadfast in its support of Israel.

Here is what is reported in Hebrew, but left out of the English version:

The law caused an uproar mainly in the evangelical community - which has 600 million members worldwide and 60 million in the US - and is considered a clear friend of Israel, and the ideological support of the right and the settlers in Israel.

Christian media around the world reported news that ultra-Orthodox members of the Knesset proposed a bill that prohibits sharing the gospel of Jesus in the Holy Land - and imposes criminal penalties on the production and publication of materials about Jesus in Israel - where a large and prosperous Christian community lives. Experts in the Christian world presented the bill as an image attack for the State of Israel, but mainly an unnecessary conflict with the last community that supports Israel without reservation in the world.

The "Newsmax" network quoted Christian leaders in the US who called on Netanyahu to stop the law. At the same time, the Israeli embassies in the US and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem have already received several requests from Christian communities in Israel and abroad. The reports on the bill talked about the denial of religious freedoms of Christians in Israel as part of the legal revolution in Israel, and about a severe violation of freedom of expression and human rights and freedom of worship. Sam Brownback, US ambassador for international religious freedom issues during the Trump administration, warned that the bill poses "a huge threat to freedom of expression, human rights and religious freedom."

Brownback said he was very concerned about the bill, noting: "Free and democratic countries simply do not outlaw the free exchange of ideas, and that includes religious beliefs. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Israel is a signatory, guarantees freedom of religion, including the right to decide about your belief in yourself.” 

As mentioned, the Prime Minister's office was quick to understand the potential damage, and Netanyahu published a clarification that such a law would not be promoted. Gafni also hastened to clarify: "The mission bill was introduced as usual at the beginning of the Knesset and is not promoted at this stage, so dealing with it now is not relevant. The bill was submitted in the past and was placed again on the Knesset table procedurally only when the current Knesset convened more than four months ago, and is not planned to move forward at that point”. 


This is a serious situation, and reminiscent of the very Early Days of our Nation when there was a Jewish student who declared epikorsis ideology challenging the Pharisees; and this divided the people and caused many to be confused about our laws handed down by Moses at Har Sinai. 

Please read the remaining Article at


Anonymous said...

Let's be clear. The Xtians can be good friends and this is very nice, BUT, why missiionize?
There's where it is telling. Do Jews go out to convert a good friend who is not Jewish? NO, we
never go out to convert anyone; we only work on persuading other Jews to do teshuva!
This is a no-brainer because the reason these 'friends' are angry for outlawing something that was always outlawed by Israel and Jews throughout the millenia, but their religion is 'missionizing', so truth be it, their friendship has much to do with missionizing.
Israel was, is and will eternally be the Jewish country that G-D Gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and descendants for eternity. There is no force on earth or laws that will change that. The ONLY One who keeps HIS Promises is G-D Almighty!
Yasher Koach to Minister Gafni for promoting this anti-missionary law and we see here again the true colors of PM Bibi, who owes much to his outside handlers. This right wing observant coalition is what made him prime minister. He should not forget that. You cannot call the state a Jewish one when there are those because of their wealth, power, backing, etc. are missionizing our people and taking advantage of the helpless and poor, uneducated ones.
True friends do not coerce their friends into a primary vital part of one's life such as his
religion. We Jews do not use the term what others call 'religion', as there is no such word as that in our holy Torah, because everything and 'anything other' than our eternal allegiance and belief is in G-D, Hashem Only, is referred to as idol worship. This should be made clear to every human on earth; the time will soon come when everyone will know there is only Hashem, Ain Od Milvado.
We live in a world right now where everyone has the right to do as he/she pleases as long as
they do not impose on anyone else and when it comes to Torah Judaism, it is especially mandatory in the Land of Israel that nothing other than Torah Judaism be promoted. The penalties from Above are very severe as we have seen in the Land for over the 74 years of statehood. The pm needs to do what is right in the eyes (so to speak) of our Creator before anything else and make it clear to our Christian friends that missionizing is an ABSOLUTE NO, NO! Let's be true friends but do not impose your beliefs on us. This is an ABSOLUTE!


Esser Agaroth said...


One of the points I was making is that Christians are not even allowed to be here, not even temporarily, missionizing or not.

Furthermore, when we allow Christians to help us, then we build up their merit in Heaven. As long as we accept gifts and assistance of any kind rom them we delay their ultimate fall.

Rome (Christians, progressives, etc.) and Jews cannot stand simultaneously, as stated in TB Megillah 6a.

In an ideal situation (לכתחילה )it is forbidden even to sing their praises, so to speak (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Foreign Worship and non-Jews 10:6 [4]).

I suggest reading The Kiss of Esau.

I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

Anonymous said...

Of course, you are right Neshama, but I didn't want to stress here the actual Torah law of anyone other than the Yehudi who has the right to live in E.Y., except for the Ben Noach who lives by the Seven Laws of Noach.
And, of course, the xtians are making headway by helping many of the elderly poor Jews, many of them Russian Jews who know very little and that's how they finagle their way into the mainstream. Until Moshiach is actually here already, it is unlikely the above laws can be implemented. It is the people themselves in EY who need to put a stop to all of this. But the Israeli Jews have been so brainwashed by the leftists over the years, that they haven't a clue what our reason for living and possessing EY is all about. They side on the side of our
enemies; only the miracle of Moshiach will all the revelations that we yearn for daily materialize. Moshiach, k'heref ayin b'rachamim NOW!


Esser Agaroth said...


I agree with much of what you write here. I'm just disappointed that we may have to wait, when we should not have to.

Esser Agaroth

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