03 January 2023

Need We Be Surprised?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
"On behalf of all the citizens of Israel, I send my deep condolences to the Christian world on the passing of Pope Benedict XVI. He was a great spiritual leader who was fully committed to the historic reconciliation between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people, which he movingly expressed during his historic visit to Israel in 2009. In my meeting with him, he spoke warmly about the common heritage of Christianity and Judaism and the values that this heritage gave to all of humanity. We will remember him as a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people." 

Did he do Teshuva? Really?

RABBI ELCHANAN POUPKO: Pope Benedict was a Nazi

NEW YORK (VINnews Podcast) — In this exclusive interview, noted author Rabbi Elchanan Poupko, Rebbi at Park East Day School, discusses the Nazi past of the German Pope Benedict, as well as his support of the pro-Hitler Pope Pius, and Benedict’s efforts to reinstate anti-Jewish policies of the Catholic Church. 

His comments come after many Jews have praised the recently deceased Benedict and appear to be whitewashing, justifying, or ignoring his membership in the Hitler Youth and Wehrmacht.

The ADL:

We send our deepest condolences to the global Catholic community on the passing of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict worked to develop a historic new relationship between Catholics & Jews as “loving brothers & sisters” after centuries of tragedy. May his memory be a blessing.

Here is a link to a Reuters article in 2009 entitled: TIMELINE: Pope Benedict angers Jews

And below is an excerpt from a report by ABC News in 2013:

Joseph Ratzinger had joined the Hitler youth as a 14-year-old and went on to serve in the German military, as six million Jews were sent off to the death camps. Though Benedict was eventually exonerated and even embraced by Jews — he called the Holocaust a “dark time” in his life — his German past continued to haunt him.

“When he was elected pope a lot of alarm bells went off in the Jewish community,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, who had a one-hour private audience with Benedict when he became pope. “First, it was about the Nazi aspect.”

The Wiesenthal Center launched an investigation into Benedict’s role in the Third Reich only to discover the Ratzingers came from a family of anti-Nazis, with no hint of antisemitism.

“The fact that he was in the Hitler youth — if you were a young child during the Third Reich and you didn’t go, you’d be condemned,” said Hier. “He didn’t volunteer. That’s not a blemish. We’ve done a bunch of research, and that should be very clear.”

But the role of the Catholic Church and most particularly the silence of Pope Pius XII, who served from 1939 to 1958, as millions went off to the gas chambers has dogged Benedict, despite being viewed as a friend by those who are Jewish.

Both Pope John Paul II and Benedict pushed for Pius to gain sainthood. In 2009, as Pius moved toward beatification, the Vatican issued a statement that the church was looking at his “Christian life” as a whole and not “the historical impact of all his operative decisions,” according to The New York Times.

Moving Pius toward sainthood “is in no way to be read as a hostile act towards the Jewish people, and it is to be hoped that it will not be considered as an obstacle on the path of dialogue between Judaism and the Catholic Church,” wrote the Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman.

“Pope Pius XII didn’t care much about Jews. He was the pope of silence,” said Hier.

“They say [Pius] looked at Hitler as a mad man, and if he had opposed him publicly, it would have destroyed the Catholic Church. It was against everything the Christian Church stands for,” said Hier.

“In Auschwitz, ten to fifteen thousand people were gassed every day,” he said. “Priests and local parishes knew what was happening and the bishops reported to the Vatican.”

The Vatican has always denied that Pius ignored the plight of the Jews and Benedict said the Pius worked “secretly and silently” to help Jews.

In 2007, Jewish leaders criticized Benedict for lifting restrictions on the old form of Latin mass, which included prayers for Jews to “be delivered from their darkness” and converted to Catholicism.

* * *

Rabbi Poupko is an eleventh-generation rabbi, teacher and author. He has written Sacred Days on the Jewish  Holidays, Poupko on the Parsha, and hundreds of articles published in five languages. He is a member of the executive committee of the Rabbinical Council of America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a charpa & busha from both the prime minister and Rabbi Pinchas from the European Union.
Erev Rav all over the place. How many real Yehudim are there???

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