04 January 2023

Choking Becoming a Slight Epidemic

First it was *choking on, of all things, a Chanukah sufganiot!

Now An 82-year-old woman choked on an olive pit [in] a commercial center in Hadera. MDA paramedics gave her medical treatment and performed CPR while evacuating her to Hillel Yaffe Hospital.

Could this phenomenon be another vaxxine .............., something to do with throat muscular seizure, or throat muscle weakness? Will anyone do some research?

It’s beginning to sound suspicious.


Maybe a reflex to lashon hara


Anonymous said...

Shows you how people fall for anything. Terrible thing when anything harmful happens to any human being of any age. That aside, What's been considered natural events, some good and many good, there has always been bad ones too such as accidents, chokings, suicides, drownings, etc., etc. Now these reasons are used as perfect excuses to cover up very sinister explanations for sinister deeds. There are now many questions and reasons that many are questioning such as why what happened to a football player in the US the other day, when someone tackled him at their big game, and he immediately stood up and then immediately fell back to the ground, but luckily, his fellow team mates immediately gave him cpr but he is in critical condition, but, fortunately, there is hope for him. Too many, especially young men and boys, are just collapsing, shelo neida, for no reason and many, many more are saying there's good chance the culprit are the chisounim.
Fooling some or lots of the people sometimes might work but fooling all of the people does not
work. The people are waking up from their stupor.

Neshama said...

Thank you whoever you are.
Yes the football guy is in very bad shape
"According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the injury that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin sustained is known as commotio cordis (a phenomenon in which a sudden blunt impact to the chest causes sudden death in the absence of cardiac damage).
The time delay from the hit until he collapsed is expected in commotio cordis.
Peter believes that the ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation could have been set up by the vaccine if he took it.
Hamlin was shocked back to rhythm. He now has anoxic encephalopathy. He’s in critical condition at the hospital."

Anonymous said...

Thank G-D, he has shown remarkable improvement today even asking (by writing in pen on paper) 'Who won the game?'
If Hashem wants, everything and anything is possible.
He seems to be a very fine young man; everyone, apparently, loves him, so I guess the prayers and his fine character traits were really working for him.