24 November 2022

Rabbi Weissman – Primer on Amalek Part 3.5


There are critical lessons here about our ongoing war with Amalek:

1) As we saw in the Mechilta, the first time Amalek came upon us was the only time they showed themselves as such. From now on they were playing dress-up and engaging in subterfuge. This time they disguised themselves as Canaanites, but they would assume many other identities as time went on.

2) Amalek is most concerned with the power of Jewish prayer, and they go to great lengths to neutralize our ability to pray effectively.

Rashi's source, the Yalkut Shimoni 764:13, adds important details and background:

“If it was Amalek, why does the Torah call him Canaanite? Because Israel was forbidden to wage war against Esav, as it says 'Do not start up with them, etc.' (Devarim 2:5). [However] when Amalek came upon them one time and a second time and started up with them, Hashem said to [the Jews] this one isn't forbidden to you like the [other] sons of Esav, but he is to you like the Canaanites, about whom it says 'You shall utterly destroy them' (Devarim 20:17). Therefore they are called Canaanites.

“Amalek was always ready to strike Israel when they rebelled. We find that when they said 'Is Hashem in our midst?', immediately 'And Amalek came'. Here as well, 'And the entire congregation saw that Aharon had perished, and the Canaanite, king of Arad heard, etc.'. [The Jews said] 'Let us appoint a leader and return to Egypt', and Amalek went down [to wage war against them].”

The Midrash then relates the flight from the nation and the civil war, and seems to indicate that this preceded the war with Amalek. If that is the case, we can well understand that their vulnerability to attack was not “merely” for a loss of faith following the death of Aharon, but as a punishment for the terrible sin of the rebellion.

The Midrash continues as follows:

“Esav said to Amalek, 'How much I tried to kill Yaacov! But he was not given into my hands. Set your mind to collect my revenge.'

“Amalek said to him, 'How can I successfully engage him?'

“Esav said to him, 'This tradition should be in your hands: when you see that they stumble with something, go and jump upon them…”

Amalek rejected the advice of his father, Eliphaz, and instead carried the eternal, implacable hatred of his grandfather, Esav. His entire existence revolved around waging war against the Jewish people, and, both directly and indirectly, bringing down the rest of the world as well. This tradition – the seething hatred for Israel and God's world – would be passed down from generation to generation, and the war would continue until the end of days. When Amalek is unable to show his true face or wage war directly, he goes undercover and continues the war through proxy and subterfuge.

It is Amalek that would form and maintain secret societies over centuries that plot to take over the world, with an emphasis on destroying the Jewish people. There are many who lust for power and harbor hatred for the Jews, but none is so devoted, so organized, and so ruthless like Amalek. Unlike the others, Amalek is not driven by greed or personal ambition, but by a Satanic religion that consumes them.

It is why the Germans diverted critical manpower and resources to murdering as many Jews as possible, for as long as possible, even though it cost them dearly as the war turned against them. This defies all logic, unless one realizes that the Nazis were Amalek, and annihilitating the Jewish people was their war. World domination was secondary. That could wait.

The Yalkut Shimoni then describes how Amalek came against Israel when the first Beis Hamikdash was destroyed. Although it was Bavel who was the dominant force at the time, Amalek watched as the Jews deteriorated spiritually and materially, and seized on the opportunity. They lingered a short distance away and watched the battle for Jerusalem. “He said to himself, 'If Israel wins, I will say I came to help you, and if the kingdom of Bavel wins, I will turn against Israel and murder them', as it says 'Don't stand by the juncture to cut off his survivors' (Ovadia 1:14).”

This is a perfect example of Amalek always remaining close to the Jewish people, taking their spiritual temperature, and jumping on the Jews when they are vulnerable – all while posing as allies.

Indeed, the Midrash then relates that Amalek played the same game centuries earlier, when they ambushed the Jews after Aharon died. “Rabbi Tanchum bar Chanilai said, when they heard that Aharon died, they armed themselves from within [their garments] and dressed [normally] from without, and they came as if they were mourners.”

Amalek saw that the clouds had dissipated, but before they attacked they needed to scope out the spiritual situation of the Jews. If the Jews were vulnerable, they would attack. If not, they came prepared with a disguise and a cover story. Classic Amalek.

The Yalkut Shimoni concludes:

“[Amalek] said, 'We know that they have an heirloom from their fathers, that [Yitzchak] said to them 'The voice is the voice of Yaacov', that they pray and are heard. We will come upon them and they will think we are the children of Canaan, and they will pray about the Canaanites, and we will murder them.'

“When they saw that the form of their faces was that of Amalek, but their dress and speech was that of the Canaanites, they said 'Master of the world, we don't know who they are. In any case, do justice against them,' as it says 'If you will give these people [in my hand]'. Immediately, 'Hashem heard the voice of Israel.’”

It is no coincidence that during the Covid portion of today's war against humanity, which is spearheaded by Amalek, they placed a particular emphasis on closing down the shuls and yeshivos. Amalek has faithfully transmitted the tradition that our power lies in our prayers and Torah, and they strategize accordingly to short-circuit our spiritual defenses.

Do you understand now what's really going on? Do you realize that this is not a series of coincidences or natural events, but the latest – most likely final – chapter in a war with Amalek that has spanned thousands of years?

We cannot defeat an enemy that we do not recognize, or are unsure even exists.

Amalek knows this quite well, which is why they disguise themselves as various other nationalities and come as friends, as saviors from crises real, imagined, exaggerated, or orchestrated by them.

Amalek also knows the power of our prayers and faith.

If only we knew it as much as they do.

If we armed ourselves only with this information, we would be well on our way to defeating Amalek. But there is still more to learn from the Torah and Chazal to round out our understanding of Amalek and his methods.

After all, for thousands of years Amalek has been lurking around us, watching us, collecting data, analyzing us, and fine-tuning their strategies against us, while we denied they were even there at all. Let's finally wake up and catch up.

To be continued.


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