29 November 2022

More Thoughts on The Six Pointed Star

It is entirely possible that it may have been used in ancient times, and maybe even on King David's shield. Absence of proof doesn't constitute proof of absence.

It's also true that many holy Jews assigned profound spiritual significance to this shape.

However, that does NOT justify its current-day use as a symbol of anything Jewish.

Remember that even the swastika shape was a popular Jewish design back in the second-Temple era and was found in -- if I remember correctly -- the ruins of one of the oldest synagogues ever discovered from some 2,000 years ago. A swastika shape (or mirror-image reversal of it) adorned the edges of a floor mosaic in the ancient Jewish house of worship. This does NOT mean that the swastika is a "Jewish symbol," or ever was. It just means that it expressed some sort of symmetric beauty at one time. Maybe it even had some spiritual significance too. However, once the accursed Nazis usurped it, it is IMPURE.

Perhaps an example of this phenomenon maybe be learned from the single-stone altar, called a "matzeiva" (monument)*, that was desirable in the days of the Patriarchs but became detestable generations later when the Canaanites began to favor it as pagan rite.  See Deuteronomy 16:22 and Rashi's commentary there.

I am not suggesting that anyone go around destroying "Magen Davids", nor am I necessarily comparing it to the swastika or detestable matzeiva. Just pointing out a parallel.

*PS the obelisk is another odious example of the matzeiva that persists to this day 

Source: Rabbi G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that H' created ten measures of black magic. This is the source of the satanic societies. In Egypt it was a way of life for them. We know that millions of Egyptians, etc. went out from there together with the Jews with a phony excuse that they realized that H' is G-D and wanted to join with us. The Romans who were pagans which included all the idolatries and there were plenty of sorcerers who might have put these idols and icons in the Temple. The purpose of Bilam's two sons (Pharo's court magicians) bringing along with them all those millions of Egyptians was to undo Torah and halt the coming of Moshiach. They were powerful and totally impure. So, these symbols were either corrupted or like the nazi symbol which the false kohanim at that time and others might have fooled the masses into thinking it was powerful and beautiful(?). The nazis, yimach shmam v'zichrom, were also satanic demons.
This evil has been going on (Amaleik) for thousands of years until H' will utterly undo them.


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