30 November 2022


 In time for an aerosol attack??


The Air-Screen fluidic facemask is used to block virus-laden aerosols and droplets from the face of the wearer and thereby mitigate the transmission infections, such as COVID-19. It employs a small, high-aspect-ratio, crossflow fan mounted on the visor of a filter-covered cap to produce a rectangular air jet, or screen, in front of the wearer’s face.


Israeli Scientists Develop Invisible Facemask to Block Germs

Researchers at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have developed a revolutionary invisible facemask to protect wearers against the transmission of COVID, MERS, influenza, and other respiratory viruses.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an utter sorry state the world is in. Evil let loose, the new kind of war.
Maybe H' is also showing us that all this technology has only produced more ways to destroy,
so they can make ways to fix their own new weapons of war, instead of all these years, after
gathering more knowledge, to use it for healing of every disease and making life a pleasurable existence; it is instead used for destruction, power fpr those who create the destruction and for massive wealth for them. But, we know it H' Who is in control!
Their evil is being exposed and will undo itself, and only then will the whole world realize Who is in control and everything will then be good. Ain Od Milvado!


Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

  Prophetic Messages for Jews With Heretical Beliefs For those who trust in the IDF, Trump, Bibi, America, elections, and anything except Ha...