24 October 2020

Israeli “Brownshirt” Violence


Police detained [attacked] a young woman Tuesday for not wearing a mask in an urban neighborhood of Jerusalem. Sound familiar? However in this instance the girl was in the car park of her own building (see video below) and rightly refused to accompany the police or identify herself. In a public place it is an obligation to wear a mask but a person in their courtyard, even if it is adjacent to a public thoroughfare, should not be detained for not wearing a mask

The policewomen fought with the girl for a few minutes and then one of them had enough and sprayed tear gas in her face. Tear gas is a noxious substance which should only be used in extreme cases of violence. In this case the girl was simply resisting being detained and should not have been arrested so violently in front of her neighbors. Police rules state that in a situation where it is possible to identify a citizen in other ways, force should not be applied and in this case they could simply have gone up to her apartment and obtained her ID.

The lack of sensitivity and boorishness displayed by police in enforcing coronavirus regulations has destroyed all faith in the police force as an objective body protecting the interests of the population. Most Israelis (even secular) view the police as a group addicted to using gratuitous violence and brute force in order to cover their inability to maintain proper order using the regular methods. 

As one blogger put it: “Police have been trained to act against criminals. It was not properly explained to them that at present these are not criminals and the situation is complicated. From the minister down to the field commanders nobody understands the difference between enforcement of emergency regulations which is policing and public order and preventing criminal activities. This is a shame.”

Source:  vosizneias



Ariel Elcharar also brought a picture from the previous incident (reported by VINnews) in which a Chareidi woman was arrested by police for not wearing a mask properly while a secular woman without a mask looks on and police do nothing to her. This selective and discriminatory enforcement is what has enraged the chareidi community.

1 comment:

moshe said...

H' Yishmor! Let's cut to the chase; these are not Jews because a normal Jewish woman (probably wouldn't become a policewoman) would never behave this way towards anyone, let alone a Jewish sister.
This is already - think back to WWII. Bibi is following in the footsteps of his mentor (vulture).
Where are the Jews? Why are they tolerating this evil?
H' yerachem al Amo Yisrael!