02 October 2020

The Work of The Satan

Reminiscent of N Germany in WWII (are we witnessing a soft “f” solution spreading throughout the world?)

MONTREAL (VINnews) — According to a video released Monday evening, a Montreal synagogue was interrupted and dispersed on Yom Kippur, right around or during the Neilah service.

In the video, Montreal resident Berel Solomon relates that every member of his synagogue, Beth Chabad Cote St. Luc, was wearing a mask. He says that all the occupants of the synagogue were socially distanced, as well as in compliance with all relevant government guidelines.

Yet, police officers entered the premises without a warrant and forced all the congregants out into the street. Once there, they used police vehicles to disperse them.

Solomon says he knows of 7 other synagogues that were targeted as well.

Solomon finishes the video by pointing out how one can visit bars, join parties, or protest en masse in the streets. But when it comes to synagogues, the same treatment is not provided by the police and the media.


Note: This behavior follows what took place in Australia. We have yet to see what took place in New Zealand, also one of the Big Five. UK,US,A,NZ,C.


elisheva said...

Am mefuzar umefurad ... the world haredi population is 1.8 million, mefuzar umefurad. Imagine their spiritual and electoral clout if they all lived in Israel. Rav Anava said the more Jews in Israel keeping mitzvot, the stronger our hold on the land. In exile their mitzvot strengthen their host nations.

Obviously, in theory, they are entitled to their civil liberties, like any other citizen, but Jews are always targeted at times of social, economic, political change or upheaval. And all too often fail to understand the message and fight the wrong battles. I remember reading a heartbreaking story that highlights this. A Jewish lawyer, newly arrived in Auschwitz, witnessed an atrocity, and failing to comprehend the hell on earth he had reached, complained about it to a nazi officer, who proceeded to beat him to death.

The story you report is just another example: they can cry and complain to the authorities about the hell that is happening to them, or they can understand that this is yet another message that their exile is over and they would be better off putting their energy and resources into coming home, not prolonging their misery.

moshe said...

elisheva - this is part of what they are hoping for, c'v, the final solution! The nazis never disappeared (amaleik), they were just dormant until what they think is the right time to awaken and finsih their job, c'v. Yes, it's the right time but not for what they hope, but for their (amaleik) 'sof'.
This is very frightening that this is now happening in the British
commonwealths and also in Montreal, who are mainly French (another lover of Jews) the French Heugenots. They are all united when it comes to the hatred they have for H's people.
We know everything is m'Shamayim which is a wakeup call for the bnei Yisrael and, unfortunately, it seems to be that because of 'fear' that Yehudim wake up. Maybe this is the way H' will gather up all the Yehudim still in galut to take back to EY.

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