26 October 2020

He Wasn’t Afraid of Us . . .

JACKEL  attacks baby in TEL AVIV

'The child suffered contusions and minor wounds from the jackal’s bites. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment, and was listed in good condition.

“He really looked like a dog,” one neighbor who witnessed the incident said. “We only realized it was a jackal when he approached; he really wasn’t afraid of us.”

“There are have been more than a few jackals hanging around here freely in the neighborhoods in Tel Aviv since the coronavirus crisis began.”

“Just before we stood up, he jumped on the baby and dragged him away. It all happened in a matter of seconds.”

See Parshat Bereshis 9:2

"And your fear and your dread shall be upon all the beasts of the earth and upon all the fowl of the heaven; upon everything that creeps upon the ground and upon all the fish of the sea, [for] they have been given into your hand[s]"

The ZOHAR explains:

G–D assured man that He had implanted in animals an instinctive fear of human beings (Abarbanel) […] that in man’s ideal state the image of G–D in which he was created would be sufficient … But when the generation of the Flood degraded itself and sank to the level of animals, it forfeited this aura. Now G–D restored that blessing. This concept means that as long as man is true to his G–dly image, he need not fear beasts, but if he descends from his calling, after the fashion of the Gen of the Flood, he must indeed fear the beasts of the wild. 

Source: Chumash: Bereshis 9:2, Noach, commentary)


My Thoughts:

Humans are capable of acting animalistic; especially without law and order to cause fear of the government is lacking. (so says our Torah also). It came to me that in these “days of DIN from Shamayim” we Jews need to act cautiously, and without gaavah, by receding from public view, quieting going about our everyday lives. So, to this end, when the Jews in Brooklyn advertised and paraded their solidarity with President Trump, they were actually provoking the Dems, Aunt Tiffa, and the gentiles of New York. During the “parade of vehicles supporting Trump for reelection through the streets of Brooklyn, they were attacked by the opposing side. There is no “fear” in these entities. Because they have been provoked, we may chv”s see an uprising against the residents of Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, Monsey, and Manhattan. 


Antifa mob attacks Rudy Giuliani at 'Jews for Trump’ event.  Far-left activists hurl eggs at former NYC mayor during 'Jews for Trump' event in Manhattan. Some one thousand vehicles organized by the “Jews for Trump” movement set out from Monsey, Flatbush, Boro Park, and Manhattan Sunday, driving through the city for a rally in Marine Park. Attacks on the convoy were reported in both Manhattan and Brooklyn, with anti-Trump rioters hurling eggs and rocks at the convoy in Brooklyn. In one incident, a woman sprayed pepper spray on a Jewish family driving with the convoy. 

CALLING ATTENTION TO US MEANS TROUBLE: No parades, no protests, no confrontations.


moshe said...

Absolutely right, Neshama. When I read the first paragraph or two of this post, it was the first thing that came to my mind that it is because of the evil unJewish behavior of the medina and so many of its citizens that now the animals will feel free to roam around and put fear into man. The medina has reached its real low point in every direction. Let us pray that our people return and do teshuva! We are at that point already 50th level of tumah and we as a nation must return and also unite as a people. Afraid there are too many souls being lost at the rate this world is going. H' Yerachem!

Neshama said...

Did you read my comments at the very bottom of this post?

moshe said...

Yes, I did read your thoughts at the bottom of the article. Very good and agree with you. Don't know why they had to draw attention, but I think it is so obvious how both the governor and mare so blatantly singling out the Jewish communities. We are so close to Moshiach and we know that the 'righteous' of the nations will realize truth and assist the Yehudim as at the end of the Purim story when the Yehudim won out. We pray that H' will protect every Yehudi everywhere and may every Yehudi be blessed to come habayitah!

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