22 October 2020

Vaccine Success . . . And Other Successes

Vaccine Success

*Brazil health authority: COVID vaccine trial volunteer has died [sic!]

Volunteer in Brazil trial for vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford U has died, health authority says, but testing [sic!] to continue.

CV Success

*20% increase in mental health referrals during 'second wave' of coronavirus  According to a report on Kan News, there has been a 20% increase in the number of referrals on mental health issues during the "second wave" of the coronavirus. The report is based on figures from the Health Ministry.A poll that was taken of 108 mental health clinic directors showed that 55% of them had seen a significant increase in the number of suicide attempts, and that in 22% of those cases, the situation was considered extremely high risk.

Civil War Success

MK Shay: All (i.e. haredi) violators of lockdown should be 'dealt with [arutzsheva]

Health Ministry Success

INTUBATED TO DEATH: She was intubated and sedated and was in very serious condition until today when she passed away. Haredi Midwife got infected (presumably) in the hospital. [how long was she “ill”? Symptoms? Given 

Police Success

Jerusalem: Police Spray Tear Gas In Face Of Young Woman Not Wearing Mask

Tech Social Media Success

*YouTube just confirmed they will work with the (WHO) World Health Organization to remove any videos that question the official vaccine narrative promoted by vaccine companies.

1 comment:

moshe said...

Of course, all these trials will prove how dangerous vaccines can be. The ptb's who think they own the world don't care about humanity; they just need the power. They know very well that intubation is the worst thing that can be done to these patients, but don't care and are using humanity as guinea pigs. That this is happening in Eretz Hakodesh with a so-called Jewish leadership is a chilul H' of gigantic proportions. All those hating and cursing the chareidim of all kinds, chasidish or yeshivish, ashkenazi, sephardi, those settling the Land of Israel, etc., will regret their evil words and actions against these great Jews who uphold the Torah and fear/love Hashem. The evil words and deeds of the haters will boomerang on themselves.

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(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...