09 October 2020

JERUSALEM TODAY - Virtual Video Walk

I miss going to the Kotel and around Yerushalayim, so I present a Virtual Walk Video
While this was made in September of this year, it looks very normal, albeit masks; stores and restaurants are functioning. So, why the hysteria of the government driving people into lockdowns? Nothing makes sense. It all looks so “NORMAL” except for masks up, down, none, especially around the Shuk. Someone sits at the Yaffo entrance, takes temps, and everyone goes in. Where are the temperatures? Where are the “cases” “patients”?? This is SEPTEMBER!

City walk. Jerusalem today at noon, lots of traffic and people. In this video: Jerusalem Old City, Mahane Yehuda Market, Restaurants and shops, Jerusalem – Yitzhak Navon railway station, The Armenian Patriarchate St., Omar Ben el-Hatab St., Yafo St., Mamila Mall., Shlomo ha-Melekh St., Queen Shlomziyon St., Ha-Soreg St., Shim'on Ben Shatakh St., Jaffa St., Mahane Yehuda St., Eliyahu Mani St., Ha-Rav Shmuel Barukh St., Sha'arei Tsedek St., Central Station., Moriah St., Tora Mi'Tsiyon St., Malkei Israel St. and HaTurim St. (9/3/2020)

Jerusalem, JEWISH SIDE of the Old City Walking in a Jewish side of the Old City. The Jewish Quarter lies in the southeastern sector of the walled city, and stretches from the Zion Gate in the south, bordering the Armenian Quarter on the west, along the Cardo to Chain Street in the north and extends east to the Western Wall and the Temple Mount.

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